
    Media 1

  2. 1.  House on Haunted Hill
  3. 2.  Introductions
  4. 3.  Main Theme and Titles
  5. 4.  A Very Warm Welcome
  6. 5.  Frederick and Annabelle
  7. 6.  The Heads Have Never Been Found
  8. 7.  Your Host, Frederick Lauren
  9. 8.  Pritchard's House Tour
  10. 9.  Lance and Nora
  11. 10.  Nora and the Ghost
  12. 11.  In the Living Room
  13. 12.  Ghost Hunting
  14. 13.  Annabelle and Ms.manning
  15. 14.  Lance and Annabelle
  16. 15.  A Lovely Widow
  17. 16.  Close to Midnight
  18. 17.  The Caretakers
  19. 18.  Party Favors

    Media 2

  21. 1.  Just Go Look in My Suitcase!
  22. 2.  Lance Looking for Nora
  23. 3.  Annabelle's Death
  24. 4.  Lance Hides Nora
  25. 5.  Dr. Trent Calls a Meeting
  26. 6.  So Beautiful, So Greedy, So Cold
  27. 7.  Accusations in the Living Room
  28. 8.  To Their Rooms
  29. 9.  In Their Rooms
  30. 10.  Lance and Nora Plot
  31. 11.  The Secret Door
  32. 12.  Annabelle's Rope
  33. 13.  Ruth Hanged
  34. 14.  Organ Serenades
  35. 15.  Trent and Lauren on the Hunt
  36. 16.  Every Detail Was Perfect
  37. 17.  Down in the Cellar
  38. 18.  Into the Vat
  39. 19.  Come With Me, Murderess
  40. 20.  Goodnight Doctor, Goodnight...
  41. 21.  Epilogue (And They'll Come for You)


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