1. 1.  Five Housman Songs Op 14, Part 3: The Half-Moon Westers Low
  2. 2.  Five Housman Songs Op 14, Part 3: The Street Sounds to the Soldiers' T
  3. 3.  Five Housman Songs Op 14, Part 3: He Would Not Stay for Me
  4. 4.  Five Housman Songs Op 14, Part 3: Look Not in My Eyes
  5. 5.  Five Housman Songs Op 14, Part 3: Because I Liked You Better
  6. 6.  Songs of the Half-Light Op 65: Rachel
  7. 7.  Songs of the Half-Light Op 65: Full Moon
  8. 8.  Songs of the Half-Light Op 65: All That's Past
  9. 9.  Songs of the Half-Light Op 65: The Moth
  10. 10.  Songs of the Half-Light Op 65: The Fleeting
  11. 11.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Xvi
  12. 12.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Xxxi
  13. 13.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Xxx
  14. 14.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Lv
  15. 15.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Xxxviii
  16. 16.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Xxxii
  17. 17.  Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo Op 22: Sonnet Xxiv
  18. 18.  Five Chinese Lyrics: Under the Pondweed
  19. 19.  Five Chinese Lyrics: The Herd Boy's Song
  20. 20.  Five Chinese Lyrics: Fishing
  21. 21.  Five Chinese Lyrics: The Pedlar of Spells
  22. 22.  Five Chinese Lyrics: A Gentle Wind
  23. 23.  Tom O'bedlam's Song
  24. 24.  Songs of the Zodiac: Aries: The Ram
  25. 25.  Songs of the Zodiac: Gemini: The Twins
  26. 26.  Songs of the Zodiac: Taurus: The Bull
  27. 27.  Songs of the Zodiac: Cancer: The Crab
  28. 28.  Songs of the Zodiac: Leo: The Lion
  29. 29.  Songs of the Zodiac: Virgo: The Virgin
  30. 30.  Songs of the Zodiac: Libra: The Scales
  31. 31.  Songs of the Zodiac: Scorpio: The Scorpion
  32. 32.  Songs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius: The Archer
  33. 33.  Songs of the Zodiac: Capricorn: The Goat
  34. 34.  Songs of the Zodiac: Aquarius: The Water-Carrier
  35. 35.  Songs of the Zodiac: Pisces: The Fish
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