1. 1.  Introduction
  2. 2.  3 Sarabandes: Sarabande No. 2 (Excerpt)
  3. 3.  On 16 January 1911, French Composer Maurice Ravel.
  4. 4.  3 Gnossiennes: Gnossienne No. 3 (Excerpt)
  5. 5.  An Extract From the Third Movement of Satie's Gnossiennes.
  6. 6.  Valse-Ballet (Excerpt)
  7. 7.  The Valse-Ballet Was Not Only Satie's First Substantial Piece.
  8. 8.  4 Ogives: Ogive No. 1
  9. 9.  In November 1886, Satie Left the Conservatoire.
  10. 10.  3 Gymnopédies: Gymnopédie No. 3 (Arr. C. Debussy for Orchestra) (Excer
  11. 11.  In the Spring of 1890, Satie Moved Higher Up.
  12. 12.  3 Sonneries De La Rose+croix: No. 1. Air De L'ordre (Version for Piano
  13. 13.  On 14 August 1892, After a Short but Intense Period.
  14. 14.  Vexations (Excerpt)
  15. 15.  Satie's Outward Appearance Was Soon to Change.
  16. 16.  3 Morceaux En Forme De Poire (Excerpt)
  17. 17.  The Pear Pieces, Finished in November 1903.
  18. 18.  En Habit De Cheval (Excerpt)
  19. 19.  1911, of Course, Was the Year of the Breakthrough Concert.
  20. 20.  Sports Et Divertissements: I. Choral Inappétissant (Unappetizing Chora
  21. 21.  The Commission of Sports Et Divertissements.
  22. 22.  Parade: Petite Fille Américaine (Excerpt)
  23. 23.  There Was Quite a Commotion At Parade's Premiere.
  24. 24.  Musique D'ameublement, Set 1: No. 1. Tapisserie En Fer Forgé (Arr. For
  25. 25.  Curiously, the Function of Satie's Musique D'ameublement.
  26. 26.  Mercure, Scene 3: Le Chaos
  27. 27.  Mercure, Like Parade, Created Quite a Stir on Its Premiere.
  28. 28.  Relâche, Act I: Cinéma (Excerpt)
  29. 29.  In a Sense, Critics' Response to Relâche.
  30. 30.  Relâche, Act Ii: Petite Danse Finale (Chanson Mimée): La Queue Du Chie
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