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Modularization - The Art Of Making More By Using Less
Release Date:
- Management
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
In his book, Modularization, Martin Sköld shows how companies and organizations in all industries, can release their greatest competitive potential. Although this potential exists, it is often ignored, which means most businesses rely on only a single competitive advantage. Some organizations are l...
Modularization - The Art Of Making More By Using Less Bok
In his book, Modularization, Martin Sköld shows how companies and organizations in all industries, can release their greatest competitive potential. Although this potential exists, it is often ignored, which means most businesses rely on only a single competitive advantage.<br/><br/>Some organizations are like a subway. They are experts in creating high volume by transporting thousands of people every day. The high volume is a prerequisite for low costs, but this also means that goods and services are general and are the same for everyone. Therefore, the subway cannot transport each customer exactly where they want to go; they can only follow certain routes.<br/><br/>Other organizations are like a cab, specializing in handling high variety and driving the customer exactly where they want to go. The high variety provides customer value and revenue benefits because the product or service is flexible and customized to suit each customer's unique needs. But the high variation also means that volume is low, as the number of customers per taxi is low. Volume and variety pull organizations in opposite directions and they are forced to make a trade-off.<br/><br/>However, with a clear structure, and many good examples, Martin shows that modularization is the foundation to achieving double competitiveness. It is a strategy to beat the trade-off between volume and variety. It combines the benefits of high volume and high variety and provides a strong competitive advantage by combining low costs with high revenue. It is a strategy which can be applied across all types of industries and in the private and public sector.<br/><br/>Author: Martin Sköld is a researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics and divides his time between academia and industry. Brought up in a family business and with fifteen years of management research in major international corporations, he has acquired unique competencies and extensive knowledge within his field. He is a very popular speaker for managers and leaders at all organizational levels.<br/><br/>Endorsements:<br/><br/>Martin describes the challenges we face daily. Finally, a practical handbook that explains what to do and how to think in order to be competitive in different ways at once. The book accurately summarizes how companies and organizations can sharpen their competitive edge in an ever-changing world using simple and smart tools. Read it!<br/><br/>Azita Shariati, CEO Sodexo AB<br/><br/>This book clarifies to us at Scania what lies behind our success. It explains the thoughts and actions underlying the concepts that have long been part of our culture, but which can be difficult to understand. The book is easy to read and pedagogical, but with sharp insights. Next time someone asks me why Scania is a successful company, I will answer; ´It is because Scania has solved the tradeoff between volume and customization!´ We will use this book as our handbook at Scania, so that our employees can better grasp why we do the things we do. If you want to understand why and how read the book!<br/><br/>Henrik Henriksson, President & CEO of Scania

How Little Is Enough? Testimony Of A Pilgrim
Release Date:
- Teater
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
How Little is Enough? Testimony of a Pilgrim by Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir is a key component of the artistic PhD thesis How Little is Enough? Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters. The book contains an essay and manuscripts of the four performances of the artistic researc...
How Little Is Enough? Testimony Of A Pilgrim Bok
How Little is Enough? Testimony of a Pilgrim by Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir is a key component of the artistic PhD thesis How Little is Enough? Sustainable Methods of Performance for Transformative Encounters. The book contains an essay and manuscripts of the four performances of the artistic research; No Show, Island, Strings and Pleased to Meet You. The essay is a testimony of the artist's journey and gives an insight into the artistic research process, while providing an overview of the findings. In the essay Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir explores how the performing arts can respond to the current environmental and social challenges, by investigating the affordances of relation specific performances through methods such as performative encounters and porous and embracing dramaturgy through the prism of existential sustainability. How Little is Enough? Testimony of a Pilgrim was presented as part of Dr Steinunn Knúts Önnudóttir's PhD dissertation at Malmö Theatre Academy in September 2024. Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir, born in Malmö in 1965, is a performance maker and artistic researcher based in Iceland. She has worked as a director, writer, dramaturge, and performer in Iceland, the UK, Scandinavia, and beyond, with her work playing in Reykjavik, Malmö, New York, Vienna, online, on television, and radio. Steinunn was a dramaturge at the City Theatre in Reykjavik and a lecturer and dean at the Iceland University of the Arts. In her work, she focuses on existentially sustainable, relation-specific performances and performative encounters. Steinunn is also a mother of three, a theologian, life coach, and pottery maker.

The Monkey And The Money - A History Of Capitalism
Release Date:
- Ekonomi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Apes that exchange things. That is what we are. At some point around two million years ago, we discovered that we could exchange one thing for another. Since then, humans have continued trading and exchanging things throughout economic history. Clever humans also invented capital, which we used to ...
The Monkey And The Money - A History Of Capitalism Bok
<p>Apes that exchange things. That is what we are. </p><p>At some point around two million years ago, we discovered that we could exchange one thing for another. Since then, humans have continued trading and exchanging things throughout economic history. Clever humans also invented capital, which we used to shape our whole economic system. In this information-packed, entertaining, eye-opening book, Kjell A. Nordström guides us from the collaborative origins of prehistoric bartering to Adam Smiths concept of specialisation. He shows how we have used our endless inventiveness to transform our planet into a colossal, pulsating bazaar, where everyone is trading with one another all over the world, around the clock. </p><p>How did we end up here? And what does the future hold for our immense, complex global economy that has now started to appear vulnerable? </p><p>Dr Nordström provides hope that we will find new ways to continue our endless trading and exchanging. New ways that involve and take into account nature, our other vital source of capital: not created by us, butcrucial to our wellbeing.</p>

Behind The Scenes - Stories From The Design Industry
Release Date:
- Konst
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Behind the Scenes gives you an inside look at today's design industry and the challenges it faces, the commercial undercurrents that shape and define it and a glimpse of those in power. The book includes subjects such as design media and PR and the relationship between the two, payment methods in t...
Behind the Scenes gives you an inside look at today's design industry and the challenges it faces, the commercial undercurrents that shape and define it and a glimpse of those in power. The book includes subjects such as design media and PR and the relationship between the two, payment methods in the design industry, the escalating speed of the new and the effect it has on the products, as well as the importance of pricing. Behind the Scenes is a book debating the issues around design that rarely is spoken about.

Foolproof International Communication
Release Date:
- Media & Kommunikation
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
"Foolproof International Communication" riktar sig till människor, företag och organisationer som interagerar i en global miljö. I en värld där virtuella möten över kulturgränserna blivit vardagsmat, är det viktigt att kommunikationen sker effektivt och utan missförstånd. Boken presenterar en metod...
Foolproof International Communication Bok
"Foolproof International Communication" riktar sig till människor, företag och organisationer som interagerar i en global miljö. I en värld där virtuella möten över kulturgränserna blivit vardagsmat, är det viktigt att kommunikationen sker effektivt och utan missförstånd.<br/>Boken presenterar en metod som baseras på teori och praktik från bl.a. flygets värld, där felfri kommunikation är en nödvändighet.<br/>Praktiska verktyg och övningar att applicera på konkreta dagliga situationer gör boken lämplig som utbildningsmaterial för individer och team på en global arena.<br/><br/>Pia Moberg arbetar som coach, konsult och utbildare på Japco. Hon har doktorerat i ämnet Japanska studier vid Göteborgs universitet.<br/><br/>Peter Chadwick arbetar som coach, konsult och utbildare. Peter är i botten ingenjör och pilot.<br/><br/>Can you afford not to get your message across?<br/>The potential for international cooperation is growing exponentially, supported by rapidly developing communications technology. This expansion brings many opportunities, but only if we can develop our intercultural communication skills.<br/>For decades, in aviation, pilots have used a foolproof communication standard to ensure flight safety. In this domain, communication failure is not an option!<br/>Foolproof International Communication applies the same mind-set to business communication, drawing on tried and tested techniques from aviation, linguistics, non-verbal communication and culture.<br/>This book will show you how to rapidly improve your communication effectiveness in international virtual meetings, face-to-face meetings and other global interactions.<br/>You will find helpful tools, hands-on examples and practical exercises.<br/><br/>Pia Moberg holds a PhD in Japanese Studies. She works out of Sweden as an intercultural coach, trainer and consultant.<br/><br/>Peter Chadwick has a background in engineering, international business and aviation. He works out of France as an intercultural coach, trainer and consultant.

The Essence Of Language A Philosophical Problem - Why Noam Chomsky Was Never A Linguist
Release Date:
- Språk
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
The Essence Of Language A Philosophical Problem - Why Noam Chomsky Was Never A Linguist [Bok / Danskt band]
The Essence Of Language A Philosophical Problem - Why Noam Chomsky Was Never A Linguist Bok
The Essence Of Language A Philosophical Problem - Why Noam Chomsky Was Never A Linguist [Bok / Danskt band]

Tracing The Women-friendly Welfare State. Gendered Politics Of Everyday Life In Sweden
Release Date:
- Samhälle & Politik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Bilden av Sverige som jämställd och kvinnovänlig välfärdsstat undersöks och ifrågasätts i denna engelskspråkiga forskarantologi av jurister, genusvetare, historiker och samhällsvetare från Umeå universitet.
Bilden av Sverige som jämställd och kvinnovänlig välfärdsstat undersöks och ifrågasätts i denna engelskspråkiga forskarantologi av jurister, genusvetare, historiker och samhällsvetare från Umeå universitet.
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