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Nicos Sitcom Tv-replikbok
Release Date:
- Film & Fotografi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
De bästa och roligaste citaten från våra mest populära komediserier! Läs och skratta högt åt alla roliga dialoger, skämt och klassiska ögonblick vi i årtal har njutit av varje vecka. Läs citat från alla dina vänner: Cartman och Stan, jerry och Kramer, Joey, Phoebe och Ross, Homer och Bart, Al och P...
Nicos Sitcom Tv-replikbok Bok
De bästa och roligaste citaten från våra mest populära komediserier! Läs och skratta högt åt alla roliga dialoger, skämt och klassiska ögonblick vi i årtal har njutit av varje vecka. Läs citat från alla dina vänner: Cartman och Stan, jerry och Kramer, Joey, Phoebe och Ross, Homer och Bart, Al och Peggy, Dr. Frasier Crane, Basil och Manuel, plus många, många gler. De roligaste replikerna från sitcom-tv, samlade i en bok! Mycket nöje! Homer: Kids, you tried your best and you failed meserably. The lesson is, never try. - The Simpsons Samantha: Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls: because they can. - Sex and the City Jerry: Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. You get a sense of it and then you look away. - Seinfeld.

Nicos Cult Moviequotebook
Release Date:
- Film & Fotografi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
This is a book about movies and moviequotes. It contains 700 of the most well known quotes from different and ground breaking movies made throughout time. Movies, that at one point, everybody was talking about. Movies that became Cult. Read it from cover to cover or play the movie quiz game. This b...
This is a book about movies and moviequotes. It contains 700 of the most well known quotes from different and ground breaking movies made throughout time. Movies, that at one point, everybody was talking about. Movies that became Cult. Read it from cover to cover or play the movie quiz game. This book is a must for all true movie-lovers. Read it and re-live your memories from the wonderful world of cinema! "Billy: Where ya from man? Stranger on the Highway: Hard to say." EASY RIDER, 1969, USA "I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the fuckin' toilet." TAXI DRIVER, 1976, USA "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off." THE ITALIAN JOB, 1969, UK
Utvalt - Engelska
This is a book about movies and moviequotes. It contains 700 of the most well known quotes from different and ground breaking movies made throughout time. Movies, that at one point, everybody was tal...
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