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Arctic Knits
Release Date:
- Sömnad & Handarbete
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Arctic Knits is a modern guide to knitted life in the far north. Weichien Chan lives in Iqaluit, which is known for its ice-capped mountains and tundra valleys and cold winters. Combining Weichien's love for the outdoors and knitting, this book presents patterns for cosy jumpers, hats and more that...
Arctic Knits Bok
<p><b><i>Arctic Knits</i> is a modern guide to knitted life in the far north.</b></p><p> Weichien Chan lives in Iqaluit, which is known for its ice-capped mountains and tundra valleys and cold winters. </p><p> Combining Weichien's love for the outdoors and knitting, this book presents patterns for cosy jumpers, hats and more that will keep you warm and dry, no matter how far north you travel. </p><p> Simple, clean shapes ensure that pattern and colour are at the forefront, creating modern yet timeless designs. Each project follows a pattern with a mitten, hat and scarf variation for a whole winter collection of accessories. </p><p> All the patterns are gender neutral and size inclusive with expert tips on finishing, as well as advice on colour and selecting sustainable yarns, through inspirational photography, <i>Arctic Knits</i> offers a window on life at in the Arctic archipelago. </p>

An Investment Thinking Toolbox
Release Date:
- Ekonomi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
An Investment Thinking Toolbox introducerar en verktygslåda av essentiella och praktiska mentala modeller för att hjälpa läsaren till mer intelligenta investeringsbeslut. Boken ger den erfarna investeraren nya perspektiv på eviga problem, samtidigt som den, för nybörjaren, introducerar en solid gru...
An Investment Thinking Toolbox Bok
<p>An Investment Thinking Toolbox introducerar en verktygslåda av essentiella och praktiska mentala modeller för att hjälpa läsaren till mer intelligenta investeringsbeslut. Boken ger den erfarna investeraren nya perspektiv på eviga problem, samtidigt som den, för nybörjaren, introducerar en solid grund för att bättre navigera sin investeringsresa och undvika fallgropar. </p><p>Författaren förklarar hur man genom att tillämpa mentala modeller som andra ordningens tänkande , Ockhams rakblad , invertering och andra beprövade modeller kan skapa högre avkastning över tid. Boken innehåller praktiska och konkreta råd för hur läsaren kan översätta de bästa investerarnas teori till praktik och högre avkastning. </p><p>Genom att själv omsätta dessa teorier i handling visar författaren hur han har lyckats slå index med god marginal under hela sin investeringskarriär. An Investment Thinking Toolbox ger en utmärkt översikt av investeringspsykologi och de olika problem som en investerare kan stöta på. </p><p>"Jag gillar framförallt Daniel Sun Zhangs beskrivningar av hans unika och personliga erfarenheter med olika investeringar, både mindre lyckosamma och lyckosamma" - </p><p>Per Håkan Börjesson, Grundare och VD för Investment AB Spiltan </p><p>Daniel Sun Zhang tog examen med summa cum laude från Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Han har arbetat som managementkonsult på McKinsey & Co och Bain & Co samt som strategi- och affärsutvecklingschef på Textilia. Sedan 2021, efter färdigställande av bokens manuskript arbetar Daniel på heltid med investeringar och ledarskap som CXO på Teqnion AB. </p>

Hype - Bestsellers And Literary Culture
Release Date:
- Litteraturvetenskap
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Bästsäljare är böcker som säljer i stora upplagor, som får ett stort antal läsare och är omtalade i medier och bland läsare. Trots att bästsäljare kan anses vara den mest synliga litteraturen på bokmarknaden har forskning om hur de skapas, framställs och mottas varit begränsad, likaså forskning kri...
Bästsäljare är böcker som säljer i stora upplagor, som får ett stort antal läsare och är omtalade i medier och bland läsare. Trots att bästsäljare kan anses vara den mest synliga litteraturen på bokmarknaden har forskning om hur de skapas, framställs och mottas varit begränsad, likaså forskning kring bästsäljares kulturella och sociala betydelse. I forskningsantologin Hype är bästsäljaren som fenomen i fokus, inte minst utifrån perspektivet att populära berättelser bevisligen spelar stor roll för miljoner läsare. Bästsäljaren, betraktad som ett globalt fenomen, befinner sig i ett kraftfält mellan producenter och konsumenter, något som belyser det ömsesidiga beroendet mellan kultur, marknad och individ. Antologin behandlar en rad olika frågor som hänger samman med bästsäljande skönlitteratur såsom hur hajp skapas, bokmarknadens utveckling och fokus på stora böcker, författarens position i det samtida mediala landskapet, historiska perspektiv och förhållandet mellan bästsäljare och forskning. - Bestsellers are the books that sell well, are read by large numbers of people, and are widely talked about in the media and among readers. Yet there has been little research on the creation, reception, and cultural and social significance of bestsellers. Recognizing that popular narratives play an important role in the lives of millions of readers, Hype Bestsellers and Literary Culture looks closely at the literature so many people read. As global market phenomena, situated in between the power spheres of producers and consumers, bestsellers also highlight the interdependency of culture, market, and the individual. This volume addresses such diverse questions as the creation of hype, the role and the meaning of the author in the presentday media landscape, changes in the book trade, historical perspectives on bestselling literature, and the relationship between bestsellers and literary research.

Karaoke Capitalism - Management For Mankind
Release Date:
- Ekonomi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
In the long-awaited follow-up to the international bestseller Funky Business, Jonas Ridderstråle and Kjell A Nordström launch a new manifesto for how to make it in the world of Karaoke Capitalism. The karaoke economy is dominated by individuals with endless choice. The trouble for business is that ...
Karaoke Capitalism - Management For Mankind Bok
In the long-awaited follow-up to the international bestseller Funky Business, Jonas Ridderstråle and Kjell A Nordström launch a new manifesto for how to make it in the world of Karaoke Capitalism. The karaoke economy is dominated by individuals with endless choice. The trouble for business is that the karaoke club is also home to institutionalized. Copy-cats abound. Only imagination and innovation place societies, organizations and individuals center-stage. Karaoke Capitalism is a call to arms. Kjell and Jonas are rebels with a cause. With their unorthodox combination of academic rigor, forceful logic and funky free-thinking they once again re-write the rules for evolutionaries. This is a true work-out for the wits. Free your mind! The book teaches us how to successfully compete on competencies, create capitalism with character, and how to have a great life while also making a living. It is required reading for all those wanting to be a first-rate version of themselves rather than a second-rate version of someone else. "If you loved Funky Business as much as I did, you´ll love Karaoke Capitalism. Weird? Most certainly. Different? Most definitely. But, if you want to re-imagine your organization and your career it´s a thought-provoking place to start." Tom Peters, management guru and author of "Re-imagine" and many other fine management books.

Funky Business Forever - How To Enjoy Capitalism
Release Date:
- Ekonomi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Funky Business Forever - How To Enjoy Capitalism [Bok / Danskt band]
Funky Business Forever - How To Enjoy Capitalism Bok
Funky Business Forever - How To Enjoy Capitalism [Bok / Danskt band]

Flow And Friction - On The Tactical Potential Of Interfacing With Glitch Art
Release Date:
- Konst
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
The growing flow of digital culture depends on the hidden protocols of its underlying systems. To explore how interfacing shapes spectatorship online, this pioneering study pinpoints experiences of flow through the friction of photo-based glitch art by Phillip Stearns, Rosa Menkman, and Evan Meaney...
Flow And Friction - On The Tactical Potential Of Interfacing With Glitch Art Bok
The growing flow of digital culture depends on the hidden protocols of its underlying systems. To explore how interfacing shapes spectatorship online, this pioneering study pinpoints experiences of flow through the friction of photo-based glitch art by Phillip Stearns, Rosa Menkman, and Evan Meaney. Homing in on the viewer, these three cross-disciplinary case studies present and analyze material that is new to the art-historical context. In particular, they focus on how glitched artworks in online environments make viewers aware of their own activity within the flow, causing a break from the increasingly naturalized integration of system and individual. When a glitch invites the viewer to try out different positions in relation to the system, a tactical spectatorship unfolds.

Class, Sex And Revolutions - Göran Therborn - A Critical Appraisal
Release Date:
- Samhälle & Politik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Soon, Cities of Power: The Urban, the National, the Popular, and the Global by Göran Therborn will be on the market. In between Science, Class and Society (1976) and The Killing Fields of Inequality (2013, Swedish translation: Ojämlikhet dödar, 2016) Göran has consistently challenged received wisdo...
<p>Soon, <i>Cities of Power: The Urban, the National, the Popular, and the Global</i> by Göran Therborn will be on the market. In between <i>Science, Class and Society</i> (1976) and <i>The Killing Fields of Inequality</i> (2013, Swedish translation: <i>Ojämlikhet dödar</i>, 2016) Göran has consistently challenged received wisdom in politics and the social sciences. His <i>Between Sex and Power</i> (2004) is the current global map of family relations and gender equality. With the 1968 article "From Petrograd to Saigon" he laid the foundation for his worldwide reputation as an innovative public intellectual. His critique of the Frankfurt School had repercussions around Europe. Today his work is spread across six continents, Latin America in particular, and has been translated into more than twenty languages.</p> <p>This book is a critical appraisal of the themes Göran Therborn has pursued up till now, and is introduced by Robin Blackburn, for almost twenty years his editor at <i>New Left Review</i>.</p> <p>"Göran's continual alertness to different paths to or through modernity, and to varieties of capitalism, will very soon be tested in a dramatic way."<br/>- Ian Gough, London School of Economics</p> <p>"This is a very important project and Göran richly deserves it."<br/>- Michael Burawoy, UC Berkeley</p> <p>CONTENTS:<br/>INTRODUCTIONS<br/>Robin Blackburn, Göran Therborn and the Old Mole<br/>Sven Hort & Gunnar Olofsson, A Portrait of the Sociologist as a Young Rebel<br/>SECTION I. Class, Politics and Revolutions<br/>Anders Stephanson, On Geopolitics in Therbornism, Early and Late<br/>Risto Alapuro, Finnish Demonstrations as Confrontations<br/>Per H. Jensen, Origins of Danish Flexicurity<br/>Robin Blackburn, From Miliband to Corbyn<br/>Aliaksei Lastouski, Nikolay Zakharov & Sven Hort, Belarus - Another "Iceberg Society"?<br/>Elisabeth Özdalga, Islam-Oriented Trajectories and Turkey's Fluctuating Encounters with European Modernity<br/>Åsa Cristina Laurell, Structural Adjustment, Social Exclusion and Violence<br/>Lena Lavinas, The Untold Battlefields Against Inequality in Latin America<br/>Chang Kyung-sup, Post-Socialist Class Politics with Chinese Characteristics<br/>SECTION II. Sex, Gender and Power<br/>Anita Göransson & Karin Widerberg, Göran between Sex and Power<br/>Eric Hobsbawm, Retreat of the Male<br/>Perry Anderson, Atlas of the Family<br/>SECTION III. Global Modernities<br/>Immanuel Wallerstein, Empire: Dangerous Slippage of a Concept<br/>Habibul Haque Khondker, Entangled Globality<br/>Gabriella Elgenius, The Principles and Products of the Identity Market<br/>Zhanna Kravchenko, Lisa Kings & Sven Hort, Power Ideology and Transformations of Space<br/>Bo Rothstein, Manufacturing Social Solidarity<br/>Erik Olin Wright, The Capitalist State and the Possibility of Socialism</p> <p>Samtidigt med denna engelska vänbok till Göran Therborn publiceras en svensk pendang i form av en "festskriftsavdelning" i <i>Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys</i> nr 6. Numret finns fritt tillgängligt, gratis att läsa och ladda ned, på www.tidskriftenarkiv.se. Det kan också beställas som tryckt utgåva i de vanliga bokhandelskanalerna och direkt från förlaget.</p>
Utvalt - Engelska
Hrct - Pattern Recognition And Differential Diagnosis Of Lung Disease
NEW UPDATED EDITION 2025. HRCT - pattern recognition and differential diagnosis of lung disease presents an introduction to the field of High Resolution Computed Tomograhpy of the Lung. The book is b...
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