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Longstanding Relations In A Process Of Change
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
The Swedish Evangelical Mission's (SEM) A-plan was to reach the Oromo People in Ethiopia with the Gospel. By the cooperation of evangelical Christians from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sweden this was made possible. Early important pioneers were the previously freed slaves Onesimos Nesib and Aster Ganno S...
Longstanding Relations In A Process Of Change Bok
The Swedish Evangelical Mission's (SEM) A-plan was to reach the Oromo People in Ethiopia with the Gospel. By the cooperation of evangelical Christians from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sweden this was made possible. Early important pioneers were the previously freed slaves Onesimos Nesib and Aster Ganno Salbana. Their translation of the Bible and a hymnbook into the Oromo language made the Oromo people "to feel at home" in the evangelical faith. Emmanuel Gebre Selassie and Emmanuel Abraham were two later important leaders. Their unity in the Christian faith made differences in ethnic background irrelevant. Step by step, strong relations developed between Ethiopian evangelical Christians and the SEM missionaries in Ethiopia. A decisive step was the founding of the Mekane Yesus Church in 1959 with 20 000 members. This church has now grown to become the largest evangelical Lutheran church in the world with approximately 12 million members. In this book you will follow the longstanding relations between Ethiopian evangelical Christians and the SEM missionaries. The relations survived dramatic external factors such as: the Italian occupation, the two larger famines of the 1970s and the 1980s, the Ethiopian revolution, the "Red terror" with persecution of Christians and closed churches. Rev. Dr. Staffan Grenstedt is a retired senior lecturer at the Johannelund School of Theology in Uppsala. He worked in the Mekane Yesus Church and the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology for ten years.

Outgrowing God
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
Should we believe in God? Do we need God in order to explain the existence of the universe? Do we need God in order to be good? In twelve chapters that address some of the most profound questions human beings confront, Dawkins marshals science, philosophy and comparative religion to interrogate the...
Outgrowing God Bok
<p>Should we believe in God? Do we need God in order to explain the existence of the universe? Do we need God in order to be good? In twelve chapters that address some of the most profound questions human beings confront, Dawkins marshals science, philosophy and comparative religion to interrogate the hypocrisies of all the religious systems and explain to readers of all ages how life emerged without a Creator, how evolution works and how our world came into being. For anyone hoping to grapple with the meaning of life and what to believe, Outgrowing God is a challenging, thrilling and revelatory read.</p>

In Defence Of Christianity
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
In Defence Of Christianity [Bok / Pocket]
In Defence Of Christianity Bok
In Defence Of Christianity [Bok / Pocket]

Celebrating Difference, Staying Faithful - How To Live In A Multi-faith Wor
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Celebrating Difference, Staying Faithful - How To Live In A Multi-faith Wor [Bok / Häftad]
Celebrating Difference, Staying Faithful - How To Live In A Multi-faith Wor Bok
Celebrating Difference, Staying Faithful - How To Live In A Multi-faith Wor [Bok / Häftad]

The Sami And The Church Of Sweden - Results From A White Paper Project
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
This book presents results from a white paper project on the historical relations between the established Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden and the indigenous Sami people. The research project, which was launched in November 2012 and concluded in February 2017, was funded by the Church of Swede...
This book presents results from a white paper project on the historical relations between the established Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden and the indigenous Sami people. The research project, which was launched in November 2012 and concluded in February 2017, was funded by the Church of Sweden Research Department and hosted by Umeå University. It was set up following an explicit request by representatives of the Sami community made at a hearing in 2011. Documentation of the abuse inflicted by the Church throughout history was regarded as a precondition for a continued reconciliation process. In April 2016, a comprehensive academic report was published. The contents of this two-volume book consisting of 33 articles written by experts in the field were summarised and discussed in a popular science publication issued in February 2017. Chapters on reconciliation as concept and practice were included in this abridged version so as to make it useful in reconciliation activities in church and Sami communities. The current book, The Sami and the Church of Sweden: Results from a White Paper Project, is a translation of the popular science publication, supplemented with a more detailed introduction and two updating and concluding chapters. Through this English version, international readers can inform themselves about the background, assignment, organisation, results and reception of a research project carried out within a reconciliation process. The editors Daniel Lindmark and Olle Sundström were involved in the management of the White Paper Project. They work at Umeå University, Lindmark as a professor of church history, and Sundström as an associate professor of history of religions.

Reconsidering Religion, Law And Democracy - New Challanges For Society And Research
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Hur hanterar västerländska, sekulariserade samhällen en alltmer komplex och mångsidig religion? I Reconsidering Religion, Law, and Democracy har författarna undersökt samspel och förhandlingar mellan å ena sidan religiösa organisationer och medborgare, å andra sidan staten, det juridiska systemet, ...
Hur hanterar västerländska, sekulariserade samhällen en alltmer komplex och mångsidig religion? I <i>Reconsidering Religion, Law, and Democracy</i> har författarna undersökt samspel och förhandlingar mellan å ena sidan religiösa organisationer och medborgare, å andra sidan staten, det juridiska systemet, media och sekulariserade medborgare.<br/><br/>Religion påverkar fortfarande många delar av det moderna samhället men ses idag, oftare än tidigare, som en allmän angelägenhet snarare än en privat. I och med detta uppstår nya utmaningar eller möjligheter för både akademisk forskning och i samhället i stort. De medverkande i denna antologi visar vad som händer när olika religiösa uttryck möter olika områden i samhället.<br/><br/>Författarna pekar särskilt på behovet av att utveckla en mer mångsidig förståelse av religionens roll i dagens samhälle. Genom att presentera fallstudier, nytänkande perspektiv och angelägna frågeställningar förespråkar de att en djupare kunskap kring religion bäst nås genom ytterligare och mer nyanserad tvärvetenskaplig forskning.

Heart To Heart
Release Date:
- Religion
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
A collaboration between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and award-winning author and illustrator Patrick McDonnell. A knock on the door of the Dalai Lama's residence in Dharamsala, India. His Holiness interrupts his morning meditation to greet a Giant Panda who has travelled many miles to see him. He w...
Heart To Heart Bok
<p>A collaboration between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and award-winning author and illustrator Patrick McDonnell.</p> <p>A knock on the door of the Dalai Lama's residence in Dharamsala, India. His Holiness interrupts his morning meditation to greet a Giant Panda who has travelled many miles to see him. He welcomes him as his friend and together they walk through the forests, discussing things great and small ...<br/><br/>An enchanting picture book for adults, with text by His Holiness the Dalai Lama accompanied by Patrick McDonnell's spare, whimsical, joy-inducing drawings, Heart to Heart delivers an urgent and inspiring call to heal our relationship with the natural world while offering a positive message of hope for "this beautiful blue planet, our only home". The Dalai Lama urges us to join in a "compassionate revolution" and practise greater kindness and understanding not only towards our fellow humans but towards all sentient beings large and small, reminding us that "we are indeed all members of a single family, sharing one little house" and that our own individual well-being is intimately connected with that of all others and with the environment.</p>
Utvalt - Engelska
A gorgeous Collector's Edition. Populated by gods, High Kings, wilful Queens, noble warriors, fairies, goblins and witches, Celtic myths and fairy tales are unsurpassed in their variety and power. Th...
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