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Best Of Creedence Clearwater Revival Tab
Release Date:
- Musik & Dans
Fåtal i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
THE BEST OF CREEDENCE CLEARWATER RIVIVAL Här är 20 av gruppens bästa låtar, arrangerade som gitarr tab. Ett måste för ett Creedence-fan! Ur innehållet: Bad moon rising, Down on the corner, Forunate son, I put a spell on you, Proud Mary, Susie-Q, Traveling band, Up around the bend, Who'll stop the r...
THE BEST OF CREEDENCE CLEARWATER RIVIVAL Här är 20 av gruppens bästa låtar, arrangerade som gitarr tab. Ett måste för ett Creedence-fan! Ur innehållet: Bad moon rising, Down on the corner, Forunate son, I put a spell on you, Proud Mary, Susie-Q, Traveling band, Up around the bend, Who'll stop the rain m fl.

James Bond The Ultimate Collection
Release Date:
- Musik & Dans
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
The Ultimate Collection of James Bond theme tunes features songs from all 24 films, including the most recent 'Writing's On The Wall' by Sam Smith, for the film Spectre. Arranged for piano, vocal and guitar, every theme song from Dr. No right up to Skyfall and Spectre is included here, letting you ...
The Ultimate Collection of James Bond theme tunes features songs from all 24 films, including the most recent 'Writing's On The Wall' by Sam Smith, for the film Spectre. Arranged for piano, vocal and guitar, every theme song from Dr. No right up to Skyfall and Spectre is included here, letting you learn these classic, instantly-recognisable tunes with lyrics, guitar chord boxes and some fascinating background information and photographs from the films.

Encyclopedia Of Matchbox Toys - 1947-2001
Release Date:
- Hantverk & Hobby
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
It's all here! Pictured and listed in this massive volume, now in its fourth edition, are fifty-four years' worth of toys produced between Matchbox's founding in 1947, and 2001, including their popular diecast vehicles, playsets, dolls, plastic kits, robots, and ephemera. The international scope of...
Encyclopedia Of Matchbox Toys - 1947-2001 Bok
It's all here! Pictured and listed in this massive volume, now in its fourth edition, are fifty-four years' worth of toys produced between Matchbox's founding in 1947, and 2001, including their popular diecast vehicles, playsets, dolls, plastic kits, robots, and ephemera. The international scope of Matchbox toys is illustrated in catalogs and on boxes and labels printed in a dozen languages. Certain toys have been made for sale in specific countries or to promote specific companies or products. In 1982 the international numbering system on miniatures changed. The result of all these variables is a fascinating and infinite variety of Matchbox toys. In the largest volume about Matchbox Toys ever published, 2,447 color photos illustrate nearly all of Matchbox's vast line. Helpful captions and a price guide make this an essential part of every collector's library.

Peripheral Vision - Images From The Fringe Of Europe
Release Date:
- Film & Fotografi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Perifert seende är förmågan att se saker utanför din direkta synlinje. Att lägga märke till och uppmärksamma det som inte nödvändigtvis är mest uppenbart är en gåva som fotograferna i den här boken delar. De speglar olika syn på och förhållningssätt till ett föränderligt Sverige och visar ett urval...
<p>Perifert seende är förmågan att se saker utanför din direkta synlinje. Att lägga märke till och uppmärksamma det som inte nödvändigtvis är mest uppenbart är en gåva som fotograferna i den här boken delar. De speglar olika syn på och förhållningssätt till ett föränderligt Sverige och visar ett urval av samtida fotografi som pendlar mellan det dokumentära och det poetiska. Denna bok sammanför tjugo svenska fotografer, varav de flesta har etablerats under det senaste decenniet. Boken är producerad av Centrum för fotografi (CFF), med ambitionen att väcka och sprida intresse om svenskt fotografi samt att ytterligare nå ut till en svensk och en vidare internationell publik. Medverkande konstnärer: Ikram Abdulkadir, Karin Alfredsson, Elin Berge, Maja Daniels, Charlotta Hammar, Erik Holmstedt, Martina Hoogland Ivanow, Cia Kanthi, Heikki Kaski, Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, Mårten Lange, Inka & Niclas Lindergård, Eric Magassa, Martin Magntorn, Chris Maluszynski, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Mia Rogersdotter Gran, Sofia Runarsdotter, Johannes Samuelsson och Märta Thisner. CFF är en rikstäckande medlemsförening för fotografer och yrkesgrupper verksamma inom fotografi. CFF:s uppdrag är att förmedla kunskap, verka allmänbildande och att stödja olika typer av yrkesroller inom fotografi. Boken distribueras av Art & Theory Publishing. </p><p>Peripheral vision is the ability to see things outside of your direct line of sight. To notice and pay attention to what isn t necessarily most obvious is a gift that the photographers in this book share. They represent different views and approaches to a changing Sweden and shows a selection of contemporary photography that oscillates between the documentary and the poetic. This book collects twenty Swedish photographic practices, most of which have emerged during the last decade. It is produced by The Center for Photography (CFF-Centrum för fotografi) in Sweden, with the ambition of deepening knowledge about Swedish photography and helping it to reach a wider audience in Sweden and abroad. Participating artists: Ikram Abdulkadir, Karin Alfredsson, Elin Berge, Maja Daniels, Charlotta Hammar, Erik Holmstedt, Martina Hoogland Ivanow, Cia Kanthi, Heikki Kaski, Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, Mårten Lange, Inka & Niclas Lindergård, Eric Magassa, Martin Magntorn, Chris Maluszynski, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Mia Rogersdotter Gran, Sofia Runarsdotter, Johannes Samuelsson och Märta Thisner. CFF is a nationwide association for photographers and professionals active in photography. The mission of CFF is to impart knowledge, provide general education and support various types of professionals within photography. The book is distributed by Art & Theory Publishing. </p>

Imperative Of Responsibility - In Search Of An Ethic For The Technological
Release Date:
- Övrigt
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Imperative Of Responsibility - In Search Of An Ethic For The Technological [Bok / Häftad]
Imperative Of Responsibility - In Search Of An Ethic For The Technological Bok
Imperative Of Responsibility - In Search Of An Ethic For The Technological [Bok / Häftad]

Psychic Workbook - Tools And Techniques To Develop Reliable Insight
Release Date:
- Astrologi & Esoterika
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
Everyone is psychic-it's a natural, normal human instinct. Discover how to use the full capacity of your mind and to incorporate inherent abilities into new and exciting experiences. Learn how to turn hunches and intuitions into strong psychic awareness. Find out how to develop clairvoyance (psychi...
Psychic Workbook - Tools And Techniques To Develop Reliable Insight Bok
Everyone is psychic-it's a natural, normal human instinct. Discover how to use the full capacity of your mind and to incorporate inherent abilities into new and exciting experiences. Learn how to turn hunches and intuitions into strong psychic awareness. Find out how to develop clairvoyance (psychic seeing), clairsentience (psychic feeling), clairaudience (psychic hearing), and discover the seven approaches to psychic development, how to get "unstuck," and ways to employ your psychic abilities to enhance every day. Use this workbook's tools, techniques, and exercises daily over two to three months, and discover that you can have psychic ability when you need it!

Secrets Of The Golden Age Prince- Francis Bacon
Release Date:
- Astrologi & Esoterika
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him? The premi...
Secrets Of The Golden Age Prince- Francis Bacon Bok
This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him? The premise of the fine, foregoing biographies has been to discern and explain the secrets of a great, historic personality, perhaps the world's greatest genius, from a fixed birthdate to a fixed date of death. The less conventional premise of this book is to explain the context of the life of the person, Francis Bacon, as one crucial chapter within a long continuity of lifetimes, yet unending. Francis, and those closest to him, manifested the beginning of the Great Instauration in the form of an extraordinary array of civilization-building services, sacrificially, under persecution, for the love of humanity and the latent divinity within the people. Francis' conclave of literary men saw themselves as brothers, demonstrating a constructive vision and true charity, outside the churches which had suppressed as heresy what the people needed to know about nature and themselves. How did twelve-year old Francis see the need and then generate the beneficial concept of the Great Instauration, meaning the restoration of a golden age of abundance, a paradise lost? This would require prior knowledge and likely actual engagement in such a civilization. Why was it lost? Why did he persevere under Job-like trials to produce a legacy of enlightenment he knew would only bear fruit long after his passing? And, is a soul of this magnitude lost forever to humanity at his passing? None of these questions can be answered entirely by original source documents, especially when for safety's sake Francis deliberately hid or obscured the records of that lifetime. To answer the questions, the scope of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's biography of Francis Bacon honours the existing body of documented research and then necessarily expands the lens of discovery to summarize a continuous chain of prior lives, the lifestream of this soul.
Utvalt - Engelska
23 av Joni Mitchells sånger presenterade med sångstämma, text och gitarrackord. Till vissa sånger finns också ett gitarrackompanjemang med noter och tabulatur.
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- A-Ö
- Välj
- 0 - 9
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
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- U
- V
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- X
- Y
- Z
- Å
- Ä
- Ö
- Övrigt