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Molecular Cell Biology
Release Date:
- Naturvetenskap
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Available for the first time with Macmillan's new online learning tool, Achieve, Molecular Cell Biology remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevan...
Molecular Cell Biology Bok
<p>Available for the first time with Macmillan's new online learning tool, Achieve, Molecular Cell Biology remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevant examples where appropriate to help illustrate the connections between cell biology and health and human disease. Emphasis on experimental techniques that drive advances in biomedical sciences and introduce students to cutting edge research teach students the skills they need for their careers. </p><p>Achieve, Macmillan's new online learning platform, supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction, including assets suitable for pre-class preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class study and assessment. Featuring new digital resources to engage students and help them to master cell biology concepts, the pairing of a powerful new platform with outstanding biology content provides an unrivalled learning experience.</p>

Raven Biology Of Plants
Release Date:
- Naturvetenskap
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Long acclaimed as the definitive introductory botany text, Raven Biology of Plants stands as the most significant revision in the book's history. Every topic was updated with information obtained from the most recent primary literature, making the book valuable for both students and professionals. ...
Raven Biology Of Plants Bok
<p>Long acclaimed as the definitive introductory botany text, <i>Raven Biology of Plants</i> stands as the most significant revision in the book's history. Every topic was updated with information obtained from the most recent primary literature, making the book valuable for both students and professionals.</p> <p>This textbook is available with LaunchPad. LaunchPad combines an interactive ebook with high-quality multimedia content and ready-made assessment options, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. See 'Instructor Resources' and 'Student Resources' for further information.</p>

Mineralogy Of Uranium And Thorium
Release Date:
- Naturvetenskap
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
For students of geology, this book offers a systematic overview of uranium and thorium minerals, which are known for their intense ultraviolet fluorescence and are critically important as our source of nuclear energy. Learn about the geochemical conditions that produce significant ore deposits and ...
Mineralogy Of Uranium And Thorium Bok
For students of geology, this book offers a systematic overview of uranium and thorium minerals, which are known for their intense ultraviolet fluorescence and are critically important as our source of nuclear energy. Learn about the geochemical conditions that produce significant ore deposits and view more than 600 maps, structure diagrams, color photos, and electron micrographs. A web link allows readers to view the more than 130 crystal structures in three dimensions for a richer appreciation of their details. The minerals are arranged to emphasize how they fit into chemical groups, and a thorough description is provided for each mineral. Major occurrences of interest to mineral collectors are arranged geographically, with maps showing the important deposits in uranium-producing countries. With the resurgence of interest in nuclear power, this book will be invaluable to mineral collectors and exploration geologists as well as to nuclear scientists and engineers interested in radioactive deposits.

Release Date:
- Naturvetenskap
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
A beautiful showcase of hand-drawn geological charts of the Moon, combined with a retelling of the symbolic and mythical associations of Earth's satellite. President Kennedy's rousing 'We will go to the Moon' speech on 25 May 1961 set Project Apollo in motion and spurred on scientists at the US Geo...
<b>A beautiful showcase of hand-drawn geological charts of the Moon, combined with a retelling of the symbolic and mythical associations of Earth's satellite.</b><br/><br/>President Kennedy's rousing 'We will go to the Moon' speech on 25 May 1961 set Project Apollo in motion and spurred on scientists at the US Geological Survey in their efforts to carry out geologic mapping of the Moon. Over the next 11 years a team of 22 created 44 superb charts - one for each named quadrangle on the Earthside of the Moon.<br/><br/>In <i>Lunar</i>, for the first time, you can see every beautifully hand-drawn and coloured chart accompanied by expert analysis and interpretation by Smithsonian science curator Matthew Shindell. Long a source of wonder, fascination and symbolic significance, the Moon was crucial to prehistoric man in their creation of a calendar; it played a key role in ancient creator myths and astrology; and if has often been associated with madness. Every mythical and cultural association of the Moon throughout history is explored in this sumptuous volume, culminating in the 1969 Moon landing, which heralded the beginning of a whole new scientific journey.
Utvalt - Engelska
A beautiful showcase of hand-drawn geological charts of the Moon, combined with a retelling of the symbolic and mythical associations of Earth's satellite.President Kennedy's rousing 'We will go to t...
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