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Psychic Workbook - Tools And Techniques To Develop Reliable Insight
Release Date:
- Astrologi & Esoterika
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
Everyone is psychic-it's a natural, normal human instinct. Discover how to use the full capacity of your mind and to incorporate inherent abilities into new and exciting experiences. Learn how to turn hunches and intuitions into strong psychic awareness. Find out how to develop clairvoyance (psychi...
Psychic Workbook - Tools And Techniques To Develop Reliable Insight Bok
Everyone is psychic-it's a natural, normal human instinct. Discover how to use the full capacity of your mind and to incorporate inherent abilities into new and exciting experiences. Learn how to turn hunches and intuitions into strong psychic awareness. Find out how to develop clairvoyance (psychic seeing), clairsentience (psychic feeling), clairaudience (psychic hearing), and discover the seven approaches to psychic development, how to get "unstuck," and ways to employ your psychic abilities to enhance every day. Use this workbook's tools, techniques, and exercises daily over two to three months, and discover that you can have psychic ability when you need it!

Secrets Of The Golden Age Prince- Francis Bacon
Release Date:
- Astrologi & Esoterika
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him? The premi...
Secrets Of The Golden Age Prince- Francis Bacon Bok
This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him? The premise of the fine, foregoing biographies has been to discern and explain the secrets of a great, historic personality, perhaps the world's greatest genius, from a fixed birthdate to a fixed date of death. The less conventional premise of this book is to explain the context of the life of the person, Francis Bacon, as one crucial chapter within a long continuity of lifetimes, yet unending. Francis, and those closest to him, manifested the beginning of the Great Instauration in the form of an extraordinary array of civilization-building services, sacrificially, under persecution, for the love of humanity and the latent divinity within the people. Francis' conclave of literary men saw themselves as brothers, demonstrating a constructive vision and true charity, outside the churches which had suppressed as heresy what the people needed to know about nature and themselves. How did twelve-year old Francis see the need and then generate the beneficial concept of the Great Instauration, meaning the restoration of a golden age of abundance, a paradise lost? This would require prior knowledge and likely actual engagement in such a civilization. Why was it lost? Why did he persevere under Job-like trials to produce a legacy of enlightenment he knew would only bear fruit long after his passing? And, is a soul of this magnitude lost forever to humanity at his passing? None of these questions can be answered entirely by original source documents, especially when for safety's sake Francis deliberately hid or obscured the records of that lifetime. To answer the questions, the scope of Elizabeth Clare Prophet's biography of Francis Bacon honours the existing body of documented research and then necessarily expands the lens of discovery to summarize a continuous chain of prior lives, the lifestream of this soul.

Martial Art Of Horary Astrology
Release Date:
- Astrologi & Esoterika
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
Horary is the astrological method for answering a specific question by examining a chart drawn for the moment of the question. Horary astrology shares with martial arts training the teaching of a combination of method and intuition. In both, repetitive practice results not merely in good technique,...
Martial Art Of Horary Astrology Bok
Horary is the astrological method for answering a specific question by examining a chart drawn for the moment of the question. Horary astrology shares with martial arts training the teaching of a combination of method and intuition. In both, repetitive practice results not merely in good technique, but ultimately in Art that goes beyond all technique. Horary possesses this martial quality because it is the only branch of Astrology that functions exclusively in the moment. With nativities, we are always going beyond the birth moment with transits, progressions, etc. Because Horary is immediate, its skills must be sharper, and cut deeper. The purpose of this work is to present the technique of Horary, viewed through the lens of Western Classical Astrology. By the time you finish reading this, you will have a good understanding of how Classical Astrology works, how Horary works, the kinds of Questions that Horary can answer, and the approaches that are available to answering those questions.

Higher Human Biology
Release Date:
- Naturvetenskap
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Higher Human Biology [Bok / Häftad]
Higher Human Biology Bok
Higher Human Biology [Bok / Häftad]

Level 2 Student Book - Fully Updated To Match The Latest Technical Certific
Release Date:
- Teknik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Level 2 Student Book - Fully Updated To Match The Latest Technical Certific [Bok / Häftad]
Level 2 Student Book - Fully Updated To Match The Latest Technical Certific Bok
Level 2 Student Book - Fully Updated To Match The Latest Technical Certific [Bok / Häftad]
Utvalt - Engelska
Secrets Of The Golden Age Prince- Francis Bacon
This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but ...
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