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35 years of noise
Release Date:
- Musik & Dans
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 5 vardagar
"Earache: 35 Years Of Noise" är historien om det banbrytande independent-skivbolaget, med artister och personal, som berättar om den 35-åriga historien bakom dess bestående rock- och metalarv, från starten till idag. Med sällsynta foton och aldrig tidigare hörda berättelser från nuvarande och tidig...
35 years of noise Bok
"Earache: 35 Years Of Noise" är historien om det banbrytande independent-skivbolaget, med artister och personal, som berättar om den 35-åriga historien bakom dess bestående rock- och metalarv, från starten till idag. Med sällsynta foton och aldrig tidigare hörda berättelser från nuvarande och tidigare medlemmar av Metal-pionjärer som Napalm Death, At The Gates, Carcass och Morbid Angel samt medlemmar av moderna Bluesrockfavoriter som Rival Sons, The Temperance Movement och Blackberry Smoke. 154 sidor, Hardback.

Rock N' Roll Tales From A Crooked Highway
Release Date:
- Musik & Dans
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Did you ever wonder what life on the road is like for a true, born and bred rock n roller? Look no further, cause here it is: a collection of true tales from the so called crooked highway. All these stories are told by Stevie Klasson, stringbender extraordinare, living legend and master of the rock...
Rock N' Roll Tales From A Crooked Highway Bok
Did you ever wonder what life on the road is like for a true, born and bred rock n roller? Look no further, cause here it is: a collection of true tales from the so called crooked highway. All these stories are told by Stevie Klasson, stringbender extraordinare, living legend and master of the rock n roll universe; a proven star of (among others) Diamond Dogs, Hanoi Rocks and Johnny Thunders fame. If Stevie hasnt tried it yet, its probably not worth going for, and you'd better believe it. What more: this string of story pearls comes with a solid, what-rock-should-really-be-about CD soundtrack, signed by Stevies legendary band, the Black Weeds. Read it and weep, listen and learn. Life, after all, is about having a good time and we offer you nothing less, and lots more with Stevie Klasson as your seasoned cicerone of rock n roll lifestyle. Enjoy!

Super Swede Deluxe - The Hagström Guitar History - So Far
Release Date:
- Musik & Dans
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Super Swede DeLuxe: The Hagström Guitar History So Far by Swedish author and musician Mikael Jansson tells the history of Hagström electric and acoustic guitars, made by a Swedish innovative company founded in the 1920s by a young entrepreneur, Albin Hagström (1905-1952), first as a maker and distr...
Super Swede Deluxe - The Hagström Guitar History - So Far Bok
<p><b>Super Swede DeLuxe: The Hagström Guitar History So Far</b> by Swedish author and musician Mikael Jansson tells the history of Hagström electric and acoustic guitars, made by a Swedish innovative company founded in the 1920s by a young entrepreneur, Albin Hagström (1905-1952), first as a maker and distributor of accordions. As musical tastes moved from squeezeboxes to rocknroll guitars, Hagström made the move along the changes in music. </p><p>The result is more than a quarter of a million guitars made from 1947 to present, used by beginners and amateurs as well as renowned professionals in jazz, rock, folk, country: all genres you can think of. Among the artists playing Hagström guitars are Frank Zappa, David Bowie, John Lennon, and Elvis Presley, and groups such as (of course) ABBA and Blue Swede, Nirvana, The Eagles, Foo Fighters, and Genesis. </p><p>And in spite of the companys location in a small village near the mountain districts of Sweden, an innovative in-house staff built state-of-the-art instruments and invented cutting edge novelties such as guitar synthesizers and stereo PA systems. </p><p><b>Super Swede DeLuxe: The Hagström Guitar History So Far</b> focuses on Hagströms guitar production. 213 pages, richly illustrated. Language: English.</p>

Swedish Art Historiography - Institutionalization, Identity, And Practice
Release Date:
- Konst
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Svensk konsthistoria som ämne har varit i ständig förändring och expansion sedan de första professurerna i konsthistoria inrättades för drygt hundra år sedan. Konstmuseiväsendet utvecklades parallellt med den vetenskapliga grenen och gick från ett enda Nationalmuseum i Stockholm till flera regional...
<p>Svensk konsthistoria som ämne har varit i ständig förändring och expansion sedan de första professurerna i konsthistoria inrättades för drygt hundra år sedan. Konstmuseiväsendet utvecklades parallellt med den vetenskapliga grenen och gick från ett enda Nationalmuseum i Stockholm till flera regionala och lokala museer med konsten i blickpunkten som objekt och upplevelse.</p><p>I denna volym den första översikten på mer än tjugo år fördjupar sig skribenterna inte bara i förståelsen för ämnets tidiga formering utan undersöker ämnets nuvarande identitet och utveckling. De medverkande ger exempel på hur konstvetenskaplig forskning och undervisning bedrivits på lärosätena men också i helt andra miljöer som Svenska Institutet i Rom, Nationalmuseum eller Skissernas museum. Bokens 24 författare tillhör alla olika institutioner, forskningsfält och generationer och ger en mångfacetterad bild av det förflutna och det kommande.</p><p>Medverkande: Fred Andersson, Lars Berggren, Hans-Olof Boström, Hedvig Brander Jonsson, Claes Caldenby, Anders Dahlgren, Johan Eriksson, Linda Fagerström, Cecilia Hildeman Sjölin, Britt-Inger Johansson, Charlotta Krispinsson, Max Liljefors, Rebecka Millhagen Adelswärd, Anna Orrghen, Christina Pech, Ludwig Qvarnström, Henrik Ranby, Johanna Rosenqvist, Hans T. Sternudd, Gary Svensson, Solfrid Söderlind, Astrid von Rosen, Margareta Wallin Wictorin, Ola Wetterberg<br/></p>

A Home - The World Of Carl And Karin Larsson
Release Date:
- Konst
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Welcome to Lilla Hyttnäs, home to two of the greatest artists Sweden has ever seen. When Carl and Karin Larsson moved back to Sweden after several years abroad, they were given a small cabin in Sundborn by Karin's father. The cottage in Dalarna became Carl's and Karin's joint art project where thei...
A Home - The World Of Carl And Karin Larsson Bok
<p>Welcome to Lilla Hyttnäs, home to two of the greatest artists Sweden has ever seen. </p><p>When Carl and Karin Larsson moved back to Sweden after several years abroad, they were given a small cabin in Sundborn by Karin's father. The cottage in Dalarna became Carl's and Karin's joint art project where their artistic talents resulted in an unusually modern and personal architecture, coloring, and interior design. Through Carl's paintings, it has become one of the world's most famous homes. The light, Karin's free interior design style and the active family life, as depicted in Carl's beloved watercolors, have become synonymous with the image of Sweden. </p><p>Now Lilla Hyttnäs is shown in a way it has never been seen before. With interesting texts that provide a historical context, and fantastic styling by Elsa Billgren, all admirers of the turn-of-the-century artists get the chance to discover Carl s and Karin s greatest work: their home. </p><p>A HOME gives a unique insight into one of Sweden's most famous homes. With Carl and Karin Larsson's life and artistry in focus, lifestyle expert Elsa Billgren shows off the home and inspires you to create the same feeling in your own home. </p><p>Carl & Karin Larsson were active in Sweden at the turn of the century. Their artistry worked in strong symbiosis, in part through Karin creating the environments that Carl then depicted. The motifs from their home Lilla Hyttnäs in Sundborn have come to represent the image of Sweden and are loved worldwide.</p>
Utvalt - Engelska
A Home - The World Of Carl And Karin Larsson
Welcome to Lilla Hyttnäs, home to two of the greatest artists Sweden has ever seen. When Carl and Karin Larsson moved back to Sweden after several years abroad, they were given a small cabin in Sundb...
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