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Public Diplomacy And Academic Mobility In Sweden - The Swedish Institute And Scholarship Programs For Foreign Academics 1938-2010
Release Date:
- Pedagogik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Academic exchange is one of the cornerstones of public diplomacy. Receiving foreign academics is one way of influencing foreign elites in an attempt to build goodwill and stable international networks. The result is that academic mobility and the internationalization of higher education and researc...
Public Diplomacy And Academic Mobility In Sweden - The Swedish Institute And Scholarship Programs For Foreign Academics 1938-2010 Bok
Academic exchange is one of the cornerstones of public diplomacy. Receiving foreign academics is one way of influencing foreign elites in an attempt to build goodwill and stable international networks. The result is that academic mobility and the internationalization of higher education and research have always been directly affected by foreign policy decisions and diplomatic considerationsand still are.<br/><br/>In <em>Public Diplomacy and Academic Mobility in Sweden</em>, Andreas Åkerlund analyses Swedens scholarship programs for foreign academics in a long-term perspective. Here a quantitative analysis of scholarship holders is related to Swedish exchange policy and grant practices by looking at the Swedish Institute in particular. The result is an account of how public diplomacy, foreign policy, development assistance, and the ideas of a knowledge-based economy and international competition affected academic exchanges with Sweden in the twentieth century.

Didactic Classroom Studies - A Potential Research Direction
Release Date:
- Pedagogik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
In Didactic classroom studies a group of researchers from the University of Gothenburg who are working in the Scandinavian didactics tradition show how pupil perspectives, teacher priorities, content and context interrelate, and have different didactical consequences for teaching and learning.Using...
<p>In <i>Didactic classroom studies</i> a group of researchers from the University of Gothenburg who are working in the Scandinavian didactics tradition show how pupil perspectives, teacher priorities, content and context interrelate, and have different didactical consequences for teaching and learning.</p><p>Using practical examples the authors examine the nature of classroom work at various levels of education and in the full range of subject areas, including mathematics, science, languages, social science, and home economics. The editors then single out the importance of classroom studies as a potential research direction in didactic studies. Finally, the essays are placed in an international and historical context by Professor Kirsti Klette, University of Oslo.</p><p>The authors of this volume all active at the Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies set out to show the strong contribution made by classroom studies to didactic research. At the same time, their empirical studies contribute concretely to the further development of didactic classroom studies as a research area.</p><p></p><p><b>Editors</b><br/>Christina Osbeck, University of Gothenburg<br/>Åke Ingerman, University of Gothenburg<br/>Silwa Claesson University of Gothenburg </p><p><b>Contributors</b><br/>Shirley Booth University of Gothenburg<br/>Sylvana Sofkova Hashemi University of Gothenburg<br/>Anna Maria Hipkiss University of Gothenburg<br/>Britt Holmberg University of Gothenburg<br/>Cecilia Kilhamn University of Gothenburg & Uppsala University<br/>Kirsti Klette Oslo University<br/>Angelika Kullberg University of Gothenburg<br/>Annika Lilja University of Gothenburg<br/>Rimma Nyman University of Gothenburg<br/>Miranda Rocksén University of Gothenburg<br/>Elisabeth Rystedt University of Gothenburg & Stockholm University<br/>Christina Skodras University of Gothenburg</p><p></p><p><b>Svensk informationstext:</b></p><p><b></b>Genom konkreta studier som sätter klassrumsarbetet i fokus visar en grupp didaktikforskare vid Göteborgs universitet hur klassrummets händelser och möjligheter ramas in av givna förutsättningar och på så sätt får olika didaktiska konsekvenser för undervisning och lärande i olika ämnen. </p><p>I sina texter undersöker skribenterna klassrummens karaktär på olika utbildningsnivåer och i skiftande ämnen såsom matematik, svenska, samhälls- och naturvetenskap samt hem- och konsumentkunskap. Redaktörerna diskuterar och analyserar betydelsen av klassrumsstudier i ett övergripande och framåtsyftande kapitel där de skissar denna orientering som en möjlig forskningsinriktning. Bokens innehåll sätts även i ett internationellt och historiskt sammanhang. </p><p>Författarna i <i>Didactic classroom studies</i> har ambitionen att på ett praktiknära sätt visa på styrkan i klassrumsstudiernas bidrag till didaktisk forskning. Samtidigt vill de med utgångspunkt i sitt empiriska material bidra till en vidare utveckling av just didaktiska klassrumsstudier som forskningsinriktning.</p><p></p>

Therapeutic Uses Of Storytelling - An Interdisciplinary Approach To Narration As Therapy
Release Date:
- Psykologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
How can stories and legends, written and oral, help people suffering from severe traumas or harsh conditions, now or in the past? Can storytelling help us sort out our innermost feelings and troubles? This deeply human subject is relevant not only to practitioners of psychotherapy, but to all of us...
How can stories and legends, written and oral, help people suffering from severe traumas or harsh conditions, now or in the past? Can storytelling help us sort out our innermost feelings and troubles? This deeply human subject is relevant not only to practitioners of psychotherapy, but to all of us, as we sometimes go through difficult times in life. In <i>Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling</i>, a cross-disciplinary group of researchers examine the ways in which narrative might aid in coping with difficult situations in life, and with the emotions that these situations engender. Starting with an introduction to basic narrative theories and the therapeutic effects of storytelling, the book then moves on to a series of lucid case studies. The authors present a diversity of material such as blogs, poetry, magazines, memoirs, and oral accounts from Antiquity to the present. Authors from several different disciplines make for a diversity of perspectives. The authors specialise in folkloristics, psychology, writing studies, poetry therapy, and classical studies. Psychologists, social workers, researchers, therapists all can benefit from this book, including everyone interested in the possibility of inner exploration through stories. <b>Swedish information text:</b><br/><br/>En intressant studie av intresse för psykologer, socialarbetare, forskare, terapeuter samt skriv- och konstpedagoger!<br/><br/>Hur kan berättelser och legender, skriftliga och muntliga, hjälpa människor som lider av svåra trauman eller svåra förhållanden, nu eller i det förflutna? Kan berättande hjälpa oss att reda ut våra innersta känslor och bekymmer ? Denna djupt mänskliga fråga är relevant inte bara för utövare av psykoterapi, utan för oss alla, eftersom vi alla någon gång upplever svårigheter i livet.<br/><br/>I <i>Therapeutic Uses of Storytelling</i>, har en tvärvetenskaplig grupp forskare undersökt hur berättelser kan hjälpa oss att klara av svåra situationer i livet, eller de känslor som dessa situationer ger upphov till. Boken inleds med en introduktion av grundläggande teorier kring berättande och de terapeutiska effekterna av berättande, därefter får vi ta del av ett antal intressanta fallstudier. Författarna presenterar ett brett spektra av material, som t.ex. bloggar, poesi, tidningar, memoarer och muntlig redovisning från antiken till nutid.<br/><br/>Författarna i boken kommer från en rad olika ämnesdiscipliner vilket skapar en mångfald av perspektiv. Deras specialområden är exempelvis folkloristik, psykologi, skrivstudier, poesiterapi och klassiska studier.

Stockholm School Of Economics - The First 100 Years
Release Date:
- Pedagogik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Stockholm School Of Economics - The First 100 Years [Bok / Inbunden]
Stockholm School Of Economics - The First 100 Years Bok
Stockholm School Of Economics - The First 100 Years [Bok / Inbunden]

Biological Psychology
Release Date:
- Psykologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
The most widely used text in its course area, James W. Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY has appealed to thousands of students before you. Why? Kalat's main goal is to make Biological Psychology understandable to Psychology students, not just to Biology majors and pre meds--and he delivers. Another goa...
Biological Psychology Bok
<p>The most widely used text in its course area, James W. Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY has appealed to thousands of students before you. Why? Kalat's main goal is to make Biological Psychology understandable to Psychology students, not just to Biology majors and pre meds--and he delivers. </p><p>Another goal is to convey the excitement of the search for biological explanations of behavior. Kalat believes that Biological Psychology is "the most interesting topic in the world," and this text convinces many students--and maybe you, too--with clear writing, amusing anecdotes and intriguing examples. MindTap, an interactive online learning resource that integrates the text with videos, animations and a virtual bio-lab component, makes learning even easier and more enjoyable</p>

Peter And Lotta's Christmas
Release Date:
- Pedagogik
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
When Peter and Lotta spend their first Christmas with Aunt Green, Aunt Brown, Aunt Lavender and Uncle Blue, they are amazed by all the surprises. Before Christmas comes around again the children are determined to discover where the presents really come from, and give their aunts and uncle special g...
Peter And Lotta's Christmas Bok
<p>When Peter and Lotta spend their first Christmas with Aunt Green, Aunt Brown, Aunt Lavender and Uncle Blue, they are amazed by all the surprises. Before Christmas comes around again the children are determined to discover where the presents really come from, and give their aunts and uncle special gifts. Then on Christmas Eve, Peter and Lotta's kindness and generosity is rewarded with something unexpected!</p><p>This is a delightful story for young children from the world-renowned Swedish author--illustrator Elsa Beskow which celebrates Swedish Christmas traditions and being a good neighbour. Elsa Beskow's Peter and Lotta stories, about two children living with their aunts and uncle, are full of gentle humour and charm. This wonderful new edition faithfully reproduces Beskow's classic illustrations in a collectable picture book featuring a unique hand-crafted design, premium-quality paper, gold foil signature and a luxurious cloth spine.</p>
Utvalt - Engelska
Energetically Developmental Leadership - Creating Immersive Cultures For Continuous Grow
Energetically Developmental Leadership: Navigating Growth and Culture is a culmination of extensive leadership consultancy, research, and collaborative insights. Crafted by a seasoned relational psyc...
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