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Joachim Peiper - A New Biography Of Himmlers Ss Commander
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
In this new historical investigation, German historian Jens Weste-meier portrays the rise and fall of an SS war criminal, and demolishes persistent myths of a Nazi icon. The picture revealed here is at odds with the popular Peiper mythology created by wartime and contemporary National Socialist pro...
Joachim Peiper - A New Biography Of Himmlers Ss Commander Bok
In this new historical investigation, German historian Jens Weste-meier portrays the rise and fall of an SS war criminal, and demolishes persistent myths of a Nazi icon. The picture revealed here is at odds with the popular Peiper mythology created by wartime and contemporary National Socialist propaganda, novels, motion pictures, and right-wing Peiper biographies. Using primary sources and personal interviews, a compelling image of the SS colonel emerges. The result is a highly readable and scholarly account with the first complete picture of Joachim Peiper. Now, a previously little understood Waffen-SS icon comes to life in a book that is at once an important contribution for our understanding of World War II history, as well as the place of the Waffen-SS in Hitler's Third Reich.

The Forgotten History And The Forgotten Chronicle
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
I have taken up the old chronicles and the history of Sweden's oldest family, how members of this family were involved in shaping Sweden's history, one of the most famous Fale helped Erik Knutsson to the king's throne and is probably the same person as the fictional Arn, This Fale had decisive role...
The Forgotten History And The Forgotten Chronicle Bok
I have taken up the old chronicles and the history of Sweden's oldest family, how members of this family were involved in shaping Sweden's history, one of the most famous Fale helped Erik Knutsson to the king's throne and is probably the same person as the fictional Arn, This Fale had decisive role together with Sune Folkesson in the battle of Gestilren and Lena.

Goodbye, Eastern Europe
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
In light of Russia's aggressive 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Goodbye, Eastern Europe is a crucial, elucidative read, a sweeping epic chronicling a thousand years of strife, war, and bloodshed, from pre-Christianity to the fall of Communism-illuminating the remarkable cultural significance and richness...
Goodbye, Eastern Europe Bok
<p>In light of Russia's aggressive 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Goodbye, Eastern Europe is a crucial, elucidative read, a sweeping epic chronicling a thousand years of strife, war, and bloodshed, from pre-Christianity to the fall of Communism-illuminating the remarkable cultural significance and richness of a place perpetually lost to the margins of history.</p><p>Eastern Europe, the moniker, has gone out of fashion since the fall of the Soviet Union. Ask someone now, and they might tell you that Estonia is in the Baltics, or Scandinavia, that Slovakia is in Central Europe and Croatia is in the Eastern Adriatic or the Balkans. In fact, Eastern Europe is a place that barely exists at all, except in cultural memory. Yet it remains a powerful marker of identity for many, with a fragmented and wide history, defined by texts, myths, and memories of centuries of hardship and suffering.</p><p>Goodbye, Eastern Europe is a masterful narrative about a place that has survived the brink of being forgotten. Beginning with long-lost accounts of early pagan life, Mikanowski offers a kaleidoscopic tour recounting the rise and fall of the great empires-Ottoman, Hapsburg, and Russian-the dawn of the modern era, the ravages of Fascism and Communism, as well as Capitalism, the birth of the modern nation-state, and more. A student of literature, history, and the ghosts of his own family's past, Mikanowski paints a magisterial portrait of a place united by diversity, and eclecticism, and a people with the shared story of being the dominated rather than the dominating.</p><p>The result is a loving and ebullient celebration of the distinctive and vibrant cultures that stubbornly persisted at the margins of Western Europe, and a powerful corrective that re-centers our understanding of how the modern Western world took shape. </p>

Facing The Sea - Essays In Swedish Maritime Studies
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Havet har flera ansikten. Ofta rofyllt och välkomnande, men också våldsamt och dödsbringande. I årtusenden har havet varit en scen för liv, handel och krig och misslyckanden.I Facing the Sea får vi ta del av svenska erfarenheter av havet. Vi får läsa om smugglare från Åland, brittiska kapare som be...
<p>Havet har flera ansikten. Ofta rofyllt och välkomnande, men också våldsamt och dödsbringande. I årtusenden har havet varit en scen för liv, handel och krig och misslyckanden.</p><p>I F<i>acing the Sea</i> får vi ta del av svenska erfarenheter av havet. Vi får läsa om smugglare från Åland, brittiska kapare som beslagtar svenska skepp och marinofficerare som kämpar för flaggans heder. Vi ser också vad en katastrof till sjöss eller bärgandet av ett skeppsvrak kan berätta om samhället i dåtid och nutid, och varför allt fler människor väljer att begrava sina anhöriga till sjöss. Rösterna av barn som i krigstid tagit den farliga flyktvägen över Östersjön ger ytterligare en dimension till innehållet.</p><p><i>Facing the Sea</i> har författats av elva forskare som tillsammans representerar ett axplock av den forskning som bedrivs vid Centrum för maritima studier (CEMAS) vid Stockholms universitet. Författarna är historiker, etnologer och marinarkeologer med koppling till forskningscentret.</p><p></p>

Thames- Sacred River
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Thames- Sacred River [Bok / Inbunden]
Thames- Sacred River Bok
Thames- Sacred River [Bok / Inbunden]

Organizing History - Studies In Honour Of Jan Glete
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
Organizing History - Studies In Honour Of Jan Glete [Bok / Inbunden]
Organizing History - Studies In Honour Of Jan Glete [Bok / Inbunden]

Bioarchaeology Of Metabolic Bone Disease
Release Date:
- Historia & Arkeologi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Bioarchaeology Of Metabolic Bone Disease [Bok / Inbunden]
Bioarchaeology Of Metabolic Bone Disease Bok
Bioarchaeology Of Metabolic Bone Disease [Bok / Inbunden]
Utvalt - Engelska
Let Only Red Flowers Bloom
Let Only Red Flowers Bloom [Bok / Inbunden]
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