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Lifeforce - Ltd Edition (Ej svensk text)
Release Date:
- Sci-Fi | Rysare & Skräck | Action | Thriller
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
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IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE TERROR BEGINS When a space shuttle crew finds a mysterious spacecraft containing three human-looking creatures in a state of suspended animation, they bring them back to Earth for further investigation. It's only then that scientists discover that they are in fact a race...
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE TERROR BEGINS<br/><br/>When a space shuttle crew finds a mysterious spacecraft containing three human-looking creatures in a state of suspended animation, they bring them back to Earth for further investigation.<br/><br/>It's only then that scientists discover that they are in fact a race of space vampires that feed off people's life-force, rather than their blood. So when they escape and run amok in London, the consequences are apocalyptic - and the shuttle crew's only survivor (Steve Railsback) seems to be the only man who can stop them.<br/><br/>Based on Colin Wilson's novel The Space Vampires, with a screenplay co-written by Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Return of the Living Dead) and directed by Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Poltergeist), this lively sci-fi horror romp has a stellar cast including Peter Firth, Frank Finlay and Patrick Stewart - although it's Mathilda May's appearance as the seductive alien leader that attracts the most attention to this day.<br/><br/>4K ULTRA HD LIMITED EDITION CONTENTS<br/>Brand new 4K restoration by Arrow Films of the 116-minute International Cut, plus a 4K restoration of the 101-minute Theatrical Cut from the original negative<br/>Original lossless stereo audio plus optional 5.1 DTS-HD MA Surround and Dolby Atmos remixes for both cuts<br/>Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing for both cuts<br/>Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Dan Mumford<br/>Collector's booklet featuring writing on the film by Frank Collins<br/><br/>DISC ONE - INTERNATIONAL CUT<br/>4K (2160p) Ultra HD Blu-ray presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)<br/>Audio commentary by director Tobe Hooper, moderated by filmmaker Tim Sullivan<br/>Audio commentary by visual effects artist Douglas Smith, moderated by filmmaker and scholar Howard S. Berger<br/>Audio commentary with make-up effects artist Nick Maley, moderated by filmmaker Michael Felsher<br/>Isolated music and effects track<br/>Cannon Fodder: The Making of Lifeforce, an epic look at the genesis, production and release of the film, featuring interviews with Hooper, associate producer Michael J. Kagan, editor John Grover, actors Aubrey Morris and Nicholas Ball, make-up artist Sandra Exelby, screenwriter Michael Armstrong, sound designer Vernon Messenger, art designers Tom Adams and Roger Stewart, and effects artist John Schoonraad<br/>Space Vampires in London, an archive interview with Tobe Hooper<br/>Dangerous Beauty, an archive interview with Mathilda May<br/>Carlsen's Curse, an archive interview with Steve Railsback<br/>Textless opening sequence<br/>Theatrical trailers<br/><br/>DISC TWO - THEATRICAL CUT<br/>4K (2160p) Ultra HD Blu-ray presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)<br/>Isolated music and effects track<br/>Interview outtakes from Mark Hartley's Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films, featuring Hooper, Armstrong, Grover and Messenger<br/>Split screen comparison with TV version<br/><br/>EXTRAS<br/>Language(s): English, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1 - 2.35:1, Dolby Atmos, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, Stereo, Booklet, Bonus Footage, Commentary: International Cut: Tobe Hooper moderated by Tim Sullivan (film-maker); Douglas Smith (visual effects artist) moderated by Howard S. Berger (film-maker/scholar); Nick Maley (make-up effects artist) moderated by Michael Felsher (film-maker)., Documentaries: 'Cannon Fodder'., Interviews: Tobe Hooper (director); Mathilda May (actor); Steve Railsback (actor)., International Cut (116 min.) and Theatrical Cut (101 min.) included; Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Dan Mumford; International Cut: Isolated music and effects track; Textless opening sequence. Theatrical Cut: Isolated music and effects track; Split screen comparison with TV version; Interview outtakes from Mark Hartley's 'Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films'., Trailers

Trainspotting / Ltd. Steelbook (Ej svensk text)
Release Date:
- Drama
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
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Danny Boyle directs this adaptation of Irvine Welsh's novel about a group of young Edinburgh heroin addicts. "Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family..." This is the story of Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) and his so-called friends, a bunch of losers, liars, psychos, thieves and ju...
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Danny Boyle directs this adaptation of Irvine Welsh's novel about a group of young Edinburgh heroin addicts. <br/>"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family..."<br/>This is the story of Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) and his so-called friends, a bunch of losers, liars, psychos, thieves and junkies. Hilarious but harrowing, the film charts the disintegration of their friendship as they proceed seemingly towards self-destruction. Mark alone has the insight and opportunity to escape his fate but then again does he really want to "choose life"?

Rocky 1-4 (Ej svensk text)
Release Date:
- Action | TV-serier & Boxar | Drama
5 4K Ultra HD
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Rocky: Rocky är en boxare ifrån en liten klubb i Philadelphia som inte verka komma någonstans i sin karriär. Men som genom ett ödets nyck väljer tungviktsmästaren Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) honom som sin nästa motståndare. Rocky 2: Efter förlustmatchen mot Apollo Creed försöker Rocky Balboa tjäna...
5 4K Ultra HD
Rocky:<br/>Rocky är en boxare ifrån en liten klubb i Philadelphia som inte verka komma någonstans i sin karriär. Men som genom ett ödets nyck väljer tungviktsmästaren Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) honom som sin nästa motståndare.<br/><br/>Rocky 2:<br/>Efter förlustmatchen mot Apollo Creed försöker Rocky Balboa tjäna pengar på reklam och leva ett stillsamt liv med sin fru Adrian. <br/>Men Apollo Creed vill ha en returmatch eftersom många anser att han egentligen förlorade mot amatören Rocky, något som Rocky inte vill. <br/>Dock blir Rockys plånbok allt tunnare, så han tvingas acceptera Creeds erbjudande om en returmatch.<br/><br/>Rocky 3:<br/>När Rocky Balboa slår sig fram till en plats i allas hjärta då är livet på topp. Han vinner tio raka segrar, tjänar stora pengar på sponsorkontrakt och blir världskändis. Men när Clubber Lang förödmjukande knockar Rocky, blir det uppenbart för alla att han tappat stinget. <br/>När han ensam och bedrövad börjar att fundera på att sluta med boxning, får han uppmuntrande stöd från ett oväntat håll, den tidigare motståndaren i ringen Apollo Creed. Tillsammans kämpar de för att Rocky ska få tillbaka kämparglöden innan han ska möta Clubber Lang, i en blodig batalj om titeln som världsmästare i tungvikt.<br/><br/>Rocky 4:<br/>Rocky är världsmästare i tungvikt men en ny utmanare i tungvikt men en ny utmanare är redo: Drago (Dolph Lundgren), en nära två meter lång och över hundra kilo tung slagbjässe från Sovjetunionen. <br/>Rockys vän, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) möter Drago i en uppvisningsmatch. När Apollo dör av Dragos slag vet Rocky att det är upp till honom att hämnas sin vän och besegra sin sovjetiska motståndare. <br/>Rockys tuffa träningsprogram tar honom ända till ett iskallt Sibirien, där han förbereder sig inför den direktsända titelmatchen i Moskva. Det blir en mäktig boxningsmatch när Rocky tar sig an Drago i en väldig kamp på liv och död.

Terrifier 3 (Ej svensk text)
Release Date:
- Rysare & Skräck
4K Ultra HD
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Art the Clown är tillbaka! Medan invånarna i Miles County gör sig redo för årets stora familjehögtid gör världens vidrigaste clown sin återkomst i tomteskrud. I uppföljaren till 20talets mest omtalade slasherskräckis är han redo med nya kreativa sätt att skörda offer, mer blod än någonsin ska färga...
4K Ultra HD
Art the Clown är tillbaka! Medan invånarna i Miles County gör sig redo för årets stora familjehögtid gör världens vidrigaste clown sin återkomst i tomteskrud. I uppföljaren till 20talets mest omtalade slasherskräckis är han redo med nya kreativa sätt att skörda offer, mer blod än någonsin ska färga den nyfallna snön röd.

Star Wars - The Skywalker saga (Ltd Edition)
Actors:Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Ahmed Best, Samuel L. Jackson, Jimmy Smits, Pernilla August, Ray Park, Terence Stamp, Hayden Christensen, Christopher Lee, Temuera Morrison, Daniel Logan, Rose Byrne, Joel Edgerton, Peter Mayhew, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, James Earl Jones, Peter Cushing, Billy Dee Williams, Dave Prowse, Frank Oz, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Max von Sydow, Domhnall Gleeson, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyong'o, Jimmy Vee, Laura Dern, Gwendoline Christie, Benicio del Toro, Kelly Marie Tran, Naomi Ackie, Richard E. Grant, Keri Russell, Joonas Suotamo, Dominic Monaghan, Billie Lourd,
Release Date:
- Sci-Fi | Action | Disney | TV-serier & Boxar
9 4K Ultra HD + 18 Blu-ray
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Featuring all 9 Saga movies on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and Bonus discs (Blu-ray) for every movie in one complete set. From young Anakin Skywalker's descent to the dark side, to the rise of the Resistance and their struggle to restore peace in the galaxy, the story of a generation comes to a riveting conclu...
9 4K Ultra HD + 18 Blu-ray
Featuring all 9 Saga movies on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and Bonus discs (Blu-ray) for every movie in one complete set. From young Anakin Skywalker's descent to the dark side, to the rise of the Resistance and their struggle to restore peace in the galaxy, the story of a generation comes to a riveting conclusion. The saga will end. The story lives forever. Enjoy breath-taking sound quality in all 9 episodes with Dolby Atmos 7.1.4<br/><br/>Over 26 hours of bonus features, with a bonus disc for each film. Plus exclusive letter from Mark Hamill.<br/><br/>Language(s): English, French, German, Italian, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English, Subtitles: Danish, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Interactive Menu, Dolby Atmos 7.1.4, Dolby Digital Plus 7.1, DTS 5.1, Over 26 hours of bonus features with a bonus disc for each film; Exclusive letter from Mark Hamill

American pie (Ej svensk text) Ltd/Deluxe Ed
Release Date:
- Komedi
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Beställd från leverantör
Jim är inte bara oskuld, han är dessutom desperat att bli av med den. Hans far, som är en ovanligt förstående sådan, gör allt för att på bästa pedagogiska vis ge sin son en lektion i ämnet sex. Till sin hjälp tar han förutom diverse porrtidningar även en samling anatomiska uttryck från 50-talet. Ji...
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Jim är inte bara oskuld, han är dessutom desperat att bli av med den. Hans far, som är en ovanligt förstående sådan, gör allt för att på bästa pedagogiska vis ge sin son en lektion i ämnet sex. Till sin hjälp tar han förutom diverse porrtidningar även en samling anatomiska uttryck från 50-talet.<br/><br/>Jim lyckas till slut få med sig skolans utbytesstudent Nadia till sitt pojkrum där han i ett tafatt försök att förföra henne gör bort sig ganska så ordentligt... och allting sänds ut via Internet till hans skolkompisars stora glädje. Men skam den som ger sig tänker Jim och använder sedan sin mors nybakade paj till något helt annat än efterrätt.<br/><br/>"American Pie" är en fullkomligt galen film om hur det är att vara ung och nyfiken. Vi får följa Jim och hans kompisar under en hektisk tid i skolan då läxor knappast är det första de tänker PÅ... och huvudet knappast det första de tänker MED.

Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter - Ltd (Ej sv text
Release Date:
- Rysare & Skräck | Action | TV-serier & Boxar
2 4K Ultra HD + 3 Blu-ray
Beställd från leverantör
Legendary creator Brian Clemens writes and directs this stylish, revisionist Hammer Horror - pitting a swashbuckling hero, his hunchbacked assistant and a feisty gypsy ingenue against a cunning and malevolent vampire. Starring Horst Janson as Kronos and Hammer Glamour icon Caroline Munro as Carla, ...
2 4K Ultra HD + 3 Blu-ray
Legendary creator Brian Clemens writes and directs this stylish, revisionist Hammer Horror - pitting a swashbuckling hero, his hunchbacked assistant and a feisty gypsy ingenue against a cunning and malevolent vampire. Starring Horst Janson as Kronos and Hammer Glamour icon Caroline Munro as Carla, cult classic Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter makes its worldwide debut as a brand-new 4K restoration from the original negative film elements.<br/><br/>A rash of mysterious deaths due to accelerated ageing compels Dr Marcus to summon his brother-in-arms, Captain Kronos - once a soldier but now a professional vampire hunter. As the deaths continue, however, Kronos realises that this is no ordinary vampire he's hunting.<br/><br/>New 2024 introduction by Caroline Munro on 1.66:1 UK Theatrical Version<br/>New 2024 commentary featuring Caroline Munro and Sam & George Clemens on 1.66:1 UK Theatrical Version<br/>New 2024 introduction by Sam & George Clemens on 1.37:1 As-Filmed Version<br/>Archive 2011 commentary featuring Brian Clemens, Caroline Munro, Shane Briant and John Carson on 1.37:1 As-Filmed Version<br/>Archive 2011 commentary featuring Brian Clemens and Director of Photography Ian Wilson on 1.37:1 As-Filmed Version<br/>Archive 2013 introduction by Brian Clemens on 1.85:1 US Theatrical Version<br/>Archive 2020 commentary featuring film historian Bruce G. Hallenbeck on 1.85:1 US Theatrical Version<br/>Archive 2003 commentary featuring Brian Clemens and Caroline Munro on 1.85:1 US Theatrical Version<br/>The House of Clemens: a brand-new 57-minute documentary looking at Brian Clemens and his body of work, with contributions from his family, friends and colleagues<br/>Original UK Theatrical Trailer<br/>Original Foreign Theatrical Trailer<br/>Original US Theatrical Trailer<br/>Original UK Censor Card<br/>Original US Radio Spots<br/>Original Textless Titles and Backgrounds<br/>Kronos Returns: archive featurette on the 2008 reunion of cast and crew<br/>Brian Clemens 1991 interview from the Festival of Fantastic Films archive<br/>Brian Clemens 2000 interview from the Festival of Fantastic Films archive<br/>Horst Janson 2010 interview from the Festival of Fantastic Films archive<br/>Lois Daine 2017 interview from the James McCabe archive<br/>Anything Goes: Hammer in the '70s 2020 featurette featuring Kim Newman and Stephen Jones<br/>Extensive stills gallery - including many rare behind-the-scenes pictures - featuring music from Laurie Johnson's outstanding score<br/>New article on the making of Captain Kronos by actor and author Bruce G. Hallenbeck<br/>Archive interviews with Horst Janson, Caroline Munro, Laurie Johnson, John Cater, Lisa Collings and William Hobbs, courtesy of Little Shoppe of Horrors magazine<br/>New article examining why Kronos never made it to a franchise by film historian Laura Mayne<br/>New article on Laurie Johnson by Movie Music International's John Mansell<br/>Archive Brian Clemens interview from a 1974 edition of Monster Times<br/>Archive review of Captain Kronos from 1974 by Video Watchdog's Tim Lucas<br/>New article examining the twinning of Captain Kronos with a martial arts film on its cinema release by Steve Rogers<br/>Reproduction pressbook, call sheet and US PR material<br/>Reproduction comic strip adaptation and ""sequel"" from the legendary House of Hammer magazine<br/><br/>Language(s): English, Subtitles: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1 - 1.66:1, Screen ratio 2 - 1.37:1, Screen ratio 3 - 1.85:1, Behind the Scenes, Bonus Footage, Commentary: 1.66:1 UK theatrical version: Caroline Munro and Sam & George Clemens; 1.37:1 as-filmed version: Brian Clemens, Caroline Munro, Shane Briant (actor) and John Carson (actor); Brian Clemens and Ian Wilson (cinematographer); 1.85:1 US theatrical version: Bruce G. Hallenbeck (film historian); Brian Clemens and Caroline Munro., Documentaries: 'The House of Clemens'; 'Kronos Returns'; 'Anything Goes: Hammer in the '70s'., Image Gallery, Interviews: Brian Clemens (writer/director); Horst Janson (actor); Lois Daine (actor); Caroline Munro (actor); Laurie Johnson (composer); John Cater (actor); Lisa Collings (actor); William Hobbs (actor)., Reproduction pressbook, call sheet and US PR material; Reproduction comic strip adaptation and 'sequel' from 'House of Hammer' magazine; Original UK censor card; Original US radio spots; Original textless titles and backgrounds; Introductions: Caroline Munro (1.66:1 UK theatrical version); Sam & George Clemens (1.37:1 as-filmed version); Brian Clemens (1.85:1 US theatrical version); Article on the making of 'Captain Kronos' by Bruce G. Hallenbeck; Article examining why 'Kronos' never made it to a franchise by Laura Mayne (film historian); Article on Laurie Johnson by John Mansell (Movie Music International); Archive review of 'Captain Kronos' from 1974 by Tim Lucas (Video Watchdog); Article examining the twinning of 'Captain Kronos' with a martial arts film on its cinema release by Steve Rogers., Trailers
Utvalt - Import
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE TERROR BEGINSWhen a space shuttle crew finds a mysterious spacecraft containing three human-looking creatures in a state of suspended animation, they bring them back to Ea...
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