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Kraven the Hunter
Release Date:
- Action
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
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Kraven the Hunter är den våldsamma historien om hur och varför en av Marvels mest ikoniska skurkar kom till. Filmen utspelar sig före hans ökända vendetta med Spider-Man.
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Kraven the Hunter är den våldsamma historien om hur och varför en av Marvels mest ikoniska skurkar kom till. Filmen utspelar sig före hans ökända vendetta med Spider-Man.

2001 - Ett rymdäventyr
Release Date:
- Sci-Fi | Drama
4K Ultra HD + 2 Blu-ray
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2001: A Space Odyssey - Kubricks bländande Oscar®vinnande verk är ett fängslande drama om kampen mellan människa och maskin tillika en oerhört vacker sammansmältning av musik och bild. Kubrick (som skrev manuset tillsammans med Arthur C. Clarke) tar oss först till vårt förhistoriska ap-ursprung för...
4K Ultra HD + 2 Blu-ray
2001: A Space Odyssey - Kubricks bländande Oscar®vinnande verk är ett fängslande drama om kampen mellan människa och maskin tillika en oerhört vacker sammansmältning av musik och bild. Kubrick (som skrev manuset tillsammans med Arthur C. Clarke) tar oss först till vårt förhistoriska ap-ursprung för att sedan hoppa fram i tiden och vi landar ett millennium senare (med ett av historiens mest anmärkningsvärda tidsklipp) i en koloniserad rymd.

Lifeforce - Ltd Edition (Ej svensk text)
Release Date:
- Sci-Fi | Rysare & Skräck | Action | Thriller
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
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IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE TERROR BEGINS When a space shuttle crew finds a mysterious spacecraft containing three human-looking creatures in a state of suspended animation, they bring them back to Earth for further investigation. It's only then that scientists discover that they are in fact a race...
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE TERROR BEGINS<br/><br/>When a space shuttle crew finds a mysterious spacecraft containing three human-looking creatures in a state of suspended animation, they bring them back to Earth for further investigation.<br/><br/>It's only then that scientists discover that they are in fact a race of space vampires that feed off people's life-force, rather than their blood. So when they escape and run amok in London, the consequences are apocalyptic - and the shuttle crew's only survivor (Steve Railsback) seems to be the only man who can stop them.<br/><br/>Based on Colin Wilson's novel The Space Vampires, with a screenplay co-written by Dan O'Bannon (Alien, Return of the Living Dead) and directed by Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Poltergeist), this lively sci-fi horror romp has a stellar cast including Peter Firth, Frank Finlay and Patrick Stewart - although it's Mathilda May's appearance as the seductive alien leader that attracts the most attention to this day.<br/><br/>4K ULTRA HD LIMITED EDITION CONTENTS<br/>Brand new 4K restoration by Arrow Films of the 116-minute International Cut, plus a 4K restoration of the 101-minute Theatrical Cut from the original negative<br/>Original lossless stereo audio plus optional 5.1 DTS-HD MA Surround and Dolby Atmos remixes for both cuts<br/>Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing for both cuts<br/>Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Dan Mumford<br/>Collector's booklet featuring writing on the film by Frank Collins<br/><br/>DISC ONE - INTERNATIONAL CUT<br/>4K (2160p) Ultra HD Blu-ray presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)<br/>Audio commentary by director Tobe Hooper, moderated by filmmaker Tim Sullivan<br/>Audio commentary by visual effects artist Douglas Smith, moderated by filmmaker and scholar Howard S. Berger<br/>Audio commentary with make-up effects artist Nick Maley, moderated by filmmaker Michael Felsher<br/>Isolated music and effects track<br/>Cannon Fodder: The Making of Lifeforce, an epic look at the genesis, production and release of the film, featuring interviews with Hooper, associate producer Michael J. Kagan, editor John Grover, actors Aubrey Morris and Nicholas Ball, make-up artist Sandra Exelby, screenwriter Michael Armstrong, sound designer Vernon Messenger, art designers Tom Adams and Roger Stewart, and effects artist John Schoonraad<br/>Space Vampires in London, an archive interview with Tobe Hooper<br/>Dangerous Beauty, an archive interview with Mathilda May<br/>Carlsen's Curse, an archive interview with Steve Railsback<br/>Textless opening sequence<br/>Theatrical trailers<br/><br/>DISC TWO - THEATRICAL CUT<br/>4K (2160p) Ultra HD Blu-ray presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)<br/>Isolated music and effects track<br/>Interview outtakes from Mark Hartley's Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films, featuring Hooper, Armstrong, Grover and Messenger<br/>Split screen comparison with TV version<br/><br/>EXTRAS<br/>Language(s): English, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1 - 2.35:1, Dolby Atmos, 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, Stereo, Booklet, Bonus Footage, Commentary: International Cut: Tobe Hooper moderated by Tim Sullivan (film-maker); Douglas Smith (visual effects artist) moderated by Howard S. Berger (film-maker/scholar); Nick Maley (make-up effects artist) moderated by Michael Felsher (film-maker)., Documentaries: 'Cannon Fodder'., Interviews: Tobe Hooper (director); Mathilda May (actor); Steve Railsback (actor)., International Cut (116 min.) and Theatrical Cut (101 min.) included; Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Dan Mumford; International Cut: Isolated music and effects track; Textless opening sequence. Theatrical Cut: Isolated music and effects track; Split screen comparison with TV version; Interview outtakes from Mark Hartley's 'Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films'., Trailers

Vixen - Ltd Edition (Ej svensk text)
Release Date:
- Drama
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
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Amid the cultural chaos of 1968 and armed with a budget of only $70,000, producer/director/cinematographer Russ Meyer transcended sexploitation by crafting this"bosomacious melodrama" (Time Magazine) about racism, communism, bush pilots, draft dodgers, and a ferociously free-spirited wife named Vix...
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Amid the cultural chaos of 1968 and armed with a budget of only $70,000, producer/director/cinematographer Russ Meyer transcended sexploitation by crafting this"bosomacious melodrama" (Time Magazine) about racism, communism, bush pilots, draft dodgers, and a ferociously free-spirited wife named Vixen (the incredible Erica Gavin of BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS and CAGED HEAT). Despite attempts at censorship that included one of the first-ever X ratings and 23 separate U.S. prosecutions for obscenity, it became one of the year's top-grossing movies, forever transformed independent film, and remains the creative template for Meyer's unapologetic vision of American cinema. VIXEN! is now scanned in 4K from the original negative restored by The Museum of Modern Art with 3+ hours of new and archival Special Features curated by Severin Films in conjunction with The Russ Meyer Trust. <br/><br/>Special Features:<br/>UHD:<br/>Archival Audio Commentary with Co-Writer/Director/Producer Russ Meyer<br/>Audio Commentary with Actress Erica Gavin<br/>Trailer<br/><br/>BLU-RAY:<br/>1981 Censor Prologue (Theatrical Re-Release)<br/>Archival Audio Commentary with Co-Writer/Director/Producer Russ Meyer<br/>Audio Commentary with Actress Erica Gavin<br/>Woman... Or Animal? - Interviews With Actors Erica Gavin and Harrison Page<br/>David Del Valle's The Sinister Image with Guests Russ Meyer and Yvette Vickers<br/>Entertainment... Or Obscenity? - Marc Edward Heuck on the Film's Historic Cincinnati Censorship Battles<br/>Trailer<br/><br/>EXTRAS:<br/>Language(s): English, Interactive Menu, Bonus Footage, Commentary: Russ Meyer (co-writer/director/producer); Erica Gavin., Documentaries: 'Entertainment...Or Obscenity?'., Interviews: Erica Gavin (actor); Harrison Page (actor)., 1981 Censor Prologue; David Del Valle's 'The Sinister Image' with guests Russ Meyer and Yvette Vickers., Trailers

The Purge 3 Movie Collection
Release Date:
- Rysare & Skräck | TV-serier & Boxar | Action | Sci-Fi
3 4K Ultra HD + 3 Blu-ray
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The Purge, The Purge Anarchy och The Purge Election Year samlade i en box. THE PURGE (2013) I The Purge får vi följa en familj som testas i hur långt de är beredda att gå för att skydda sig själva när ondskan smyger sig in i deras hem. Vad skulle du själv göra om du fick möjligheten att begå alla t...
3 4K Ultra HD + 3 Blu-ray
The Purge, The Purge Anarchy och The Purge Election Year samlade i en box.<br/><br/>THE PURGE (2013)<br/>I The Purge får vi följa en familj som testas i hur långt de är beredda att gå för att skydda sig själva när ondskan smyger sig in i deras hem. Vad skulle du själv göra<br/>om du fick möjligheten att begå alla tänkbara brott under en natt om året utan några som helst konsekvenser? <br/><br/>THE PURGE: ANARCHY (2014)<br/>Leo, en ensamvarg som plågas av sin sons död, vill utkräva hämnd. Eva och dottern Cali tvingas lämna sin lägenhet när de blir attackerade. Det unga paret Shane och Liz faller offer för en bilkapning. De söker skydd i Leos pansarbil tillsammans med de andra, och de kommer nu att bli varse precis hur långt de är beredda att gå för att försvara sig själva och varandra medan de kämpar för sin överlevanad.<br/><br/>THE PURGE: ELECTION YEAR (2016)<br/>Under en kväll om året, Purge Night (ung. "upprensning"), står lagen tillbaka. Allt är tillåtet - till och med mord. Charlie Roan överlevde just en sådan här kväll, men förlorade hela sin familj. 15 år senare ger hon sig in i politiken, med ambitionen att sätta stopp för den skoningslösa traditionen. Men hon möter hårt och våldsamt motstånd, och nu är det upp till hennes säkerhetsansvarige, Leo Barnes, att skydda henne. The Purge: Election Year är den tredje delen i The Purge-serien.

Deadpool 2
Release Date:
- Action
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Beställd från leverantör
Marvels snabbkäftade legosoldat är tillbaka! Större, bättre och stundtals mer byxlös än någonsin. När en supersoldat anländer på ett mordiskt uppdrag tvingas Deadpool fundera över vänskap, familj och vad det egentligen innebär att vara en hjälte - samtidigt som han kickar 50 nyanser av röv. För att...
4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Marvels snabbkäftade legosoldat är tillbaka! Större, bättre och stundtals mer byxlös än någonsin. När en supersoldat anländer på ett mordiskt uppdrag tvingas Deadpool fundera över vänskap, familj och vad det egentligen innebär att vara en hjälte - samtidigt som han kickar 50 nyanser av röv. För att göra det rätta måste man ibland fajtas fult.

Star Wars - The Skywalker saga (Ltd Edition)
Actors:Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Ahmed Best, Samuel L. Jackson, Jimmy Smits, Pernilla August, Ray Park, Terence Stamp, Hayden Christensen, Christopher Lee, Temuera Morrison, Daniel Logan, Rose Byrne, Joel Edgerton, Peter Mayhew, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, James Earl Jones, Peter Cushing, Billy Dee Williams, Dave Prowse, Frank Oz, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Max von Sydow, Domhnall Gleeson, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyong'o, Jimmy Vee, Laura Dern, Gwendoline Christie, Benicio del Toro, Kelly Marie Tran, Naomi Ackie, Richard E. Grant, Keri Russell, Joonas Suotamo, Dominic Monaghan, Billie Lourd,
Release Date:
- Sci-Fi | Action | Disney | TV-serier & Boxar
9 4K Ultra HD + 18 Blu-ray
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Featuring all 9 Saga movies on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and Bonus discs (Blu-ray) for every movie in one complete set. From young Anakin Skywalker's descent to the dark side, to the rise of the Resistance and their struggle to restore peace in the galaxy, the story of a generation comes to a riveting conclu...
9 4K Ultra HD + 18 Blu-ray
Featuring all 9 Saga movies on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and Bonus discs (Blu-ray) for every movie in one complete set. From young Anakin Skywalker's descent to the dark side, to the rise of the Resistance and their struggle to restore peace in the galaxy, the story of a generation comes to a riveting conclusion. The saga will end. The story lives forever. Enjoy breath-taking sound quality in all 9 episodes with Dolby Atmos 7.1.4<br/><br/>Over 26 hours of bonus features, with a bonus disc for each film. Plus exclusive letter from Mark Hamill.<br/><br/>Language(s): English, French, German, Italian, Hard of Hearing Subtitles: English, Subtitles: Danish, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Interactive Menu, Dolby Atmos 7.1.4, Dolby Digital Plus 7.1, DTS 5.1, Over 26 hours of bonus features with a bonus disc for each film; Exclusive letter from Mark Hamill
Utvalt - USA
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, THE TERROR BEGINSWhen a space shuttle crew finds a mysterious spacecraft containing three human-looking creatures in a state of suspended animation, they bring them back to Ea...
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