Springsteen Bruce

Bruce Springsteen släpper en ny platta - Only The Strong Survive:
Bruce Springsteen, född 23 september 1949 i Freehold, New Jersey, USA, är en amerikansk rockmusiker. Han är sångare, gitarrist och låtskrivare. Han kallas även för The Boss.
Springsteen har gett ut 25 album som sålts i över 140 miljoner exemplar och de flesta har blivit kritikerrosade med ett par få undantag i början av 1990-talet. Han har under sina turnéer för det mesta spelat tillsammans med det numera legendariska bandet E Street Band men han har även turnerat ensam och med andra musiker. Hans låttexter handlar bland annat om hans egen uppväxt i New Jersey men även om arbetarklassens USA och om underpriviligerade människor i samhället. Låtarna har en stor variation mellan glada rocklåtar och vemodiga och nedstämda ballader. Bland hans utmärkelser finns en Oscar och Polarpriset (1997).
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Born To Run
Release Date:
- Memoarer & Biografier
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
In 2009, Bruce Springsteenand the E Street Bandperformed at the Super Bowl's halftime show. The experience was so exhilarating that Bruce decided to write about it. That's how this extraordinary autobiography began. Over the past seven years, Bruce Springsteen has privately devoted himself to writi...
Born To Run Bok
In 2009, Bruce Springsteenand the E Street Bandperformed at the Super Bowl's halftime show. The experience was so exhilarating that Bruce decided to write about it. That's how this extraordinary autobiography began.<p> Over the past seven years, Bruce Springsteen has privately devoted himself to writing the story of his life, bringing to these pages the same honesty, humor, and originality found in his songs.<p> He describes growing up Catholic in Freehold, New Jersey, amid the poetry, danger, and darkness that fueled his imagination, leading up to the moment he refers to as "The Big Bang": seeing Elvis Presley's debut on The Ed Sullivan Show. He vividly recounts his relentless drive to become a musician, his early days as a bar band king in Asbury Park, and the rise of the E Street Band. With disarming candor, he also tells for the first time the story of the personal struggles that inspired his best work, and shows us why the song "Born to Run" reveals more than we previously realized.<p> Born to Run will be revelatory for anyone who has ever enjoyed Bruce Springsteen, but this book is much more than a legendary rock star's memoir. This is a book for workers and dreamers, parents and children, lovers and loners, artists, freaks, or anyone who has ever wanted to be baptized in the holy river of rock and roll.
Nytt från Springsteen Bruce
Born To Run
In 2009, Bruce Springsteenand the E Street Bandperformed at the Super Bowl's halftime show. The experience was so exhilarating that Bruce decided to write about it. That's how this extraordinary auto...
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