Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin var ett brittiskt hårdrocksband, bildat i september 1968. Gruppen kom med sin blandning av blues, rock, folkmusik samt österländska klanger att bli ett av de största namnet inom rocken på 1970-talet. Led Zeppelin slog igenom med låten "Whole Lotta Love" i slutet av 1969. Gruppen räknas än i dag som mycket inflytelserik och pionjärer inom hårdrocken. Led Zeppelin splittrades då trummisen John Bonham avlidit den 25 september 1980. De har sålt cirka 300 miljoner album världen över, och är därmed det mest framgångsrika hårdrocksbandet i världen.
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Physical graffiti 1975 (2015/Rem)
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
2 CD
Fåtal i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
Led Zeppelin: Physical graffiti 1975 (2015/Rem) [2 CD]
Physical graffiti 1975 (2015/Rem) 2 CD
Led Zeppelin: Physical graffiti 1975 (2015/Rem) [2 CD]

Physical graffiti (2015/Rem)
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
2 Vinyl LP
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Led Zeppelin: Physical graffiti (2015/Rem) [2 Vinyl LP]
Physical graffiti (2015/Rem) 2 Vinyl LP
Led Zeppelin: Physical graffiti (2015/Rem) [2 Vinyl LP]

The song remains the same
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
Fåtal i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
Led Zeppelin: The song remains the same [Blu-ray]
The song remains the same Blu-ray
Led Zeppelin: The song remains the same [Blu-ray]

Houses of the holy 1973 (2014/Rem)
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
Finns i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
Led Zeppelin topped the charts again in 1973 with Houses Of The Holy, which features legendary tracks such as "The Song Remains The Same" and "No Quarter" while also showcasing the continuing evolution of the band's signature sound with the reggae-tinged "D'yer Mak'er" and the funk jam "The Crunge"...
Houses of the holy 1973 (2014/Rem) CD
Led Zeppelin topped the charts again in 1973 with Houses Of The Holy, which features legendary tracks such as "The Song Remains The Same" and "No Quarter" while also showcasing the continuing evolution of the band's signature sound with the reggae-tinged "D'yer Mak'er" and the funk jam "The Crunge" The album has been certified diamond by the RIAA for sales of over 11 million copies.<br/><br/>In 1968, John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant formed Led Zeppelin, one of the most influential, innovative and successful groups in modern music, having sold more than 300 million albums worldwide. The band rose from the ashes of The Yardbirds, when Page brought in Plant, Bonham and Jones to tour as The New Yardbirds. In 1969, Led Zeppelin released its self-titled debut. It marked the beginning of a 12-year reign, during which the group was widely considered to be the biggest and most innovative rock band in the world. <br/> <br/>Led Zeppelin continues to be honored for its pivotal role in music history. The band was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1995, received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005, and a year later was awarded with the Polar Music Prize in Stockholm. Founding members Jones, Page and Plant - along with Jason Bonham, the son of John Bonham - took the stage at London's O2 Arena in 2007 to headline a tribute concert for Ahmet Ertegun, a dear friend and Atlantic Records' founder. The band was honored for its lifetime contribution to American culture at the Kennedy Center Honors in 2012. In January of 2014, the band won their first ever Grammy award as Celebration Day, which captured their live performance at the Ertegun tribute concert, was named Best Rock Album.

Remasters 1969-79
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
2 CD
Fåtal i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
Led Zeppelin: Remasters 1969-79 [2 CD]
Remasters 1969-79 2 CD
Led Zeppelin: Remasters 1969-79 [2 CD]

IV 1971 (2014/Deluxe/Rem)
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
2 CD
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
One of the most artistically influential and commercially successful albums in the history of music, Led Zeppelin IV. Released in November 1971, the album-which is officially untitled-defined the sound of rock music for a generation with ubiquitous anthems such as "Stairway To Heaven," "Rock And Ro...
IV 1971 (2014/Deluxe/Rem) 2 CD
One of the most artistically influential and commercially successful albums in the history of music, Led Zeppelin IV. Released in November 1971, the album-which is officially untitled-defined the sound of rock music for a generation with ubiquitous anthems such as "Stairway To Heaven," "Rock And Roll," "Black Dog," and "When The Levee Breaks." The album was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999, has been certified 23x platinum by the RIAA.<br/><br/>The Led Zeppelin IV deluxe edition includes unreleased versions of every song heard on the original album including alternate mixes of "Misty Mountain Hop" and "Four Sticks," mixes of "The Battle Of Evermore" and "Going To California" heavy with guitar and mandolin, and the fabled, alternate version "Stairway To Heaven," mixed at the Sunset Sound Studio in Los Angeles which lets fans hear one of the most revered songs of all time as they have never heard it before.

Led Zeppelin 1969 (2014/Rem)
Release Date:
- Hårdrock & AOR
Fåtal i lager Leveranstid: från 1 vardag
Remastrat album i gatefold-omslag. John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page och Robert Plant bildade Led Zeppelin 1968. Under det följande decenniet kom de att bli ett av de mest inflytelserika, innovativa och framgångsrika banden i modern musik, med en global försäljning på över 300 miljoner album...
Led Zeppelin 1969 (2014/Rem) CD
Remastrat album i gatefold-omslag.<br/><br/>John Bonham, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page och Robert Plant bildade Led Zeppelin 1968. Under det följande decenniet kom de att bli ett av de mest inflytelserika, innovativa och framgångsrika banden i modern musik, med en global försäljning på över 300 miljoner album. Deras låtar är några av de mest hyllade i rockhistorien och skapar än i dag resonans bland både unga och gamla fans världen över. Men hur mycket du än har lyssnat på deras musik, har du aldrig hört den så här tidigare.<br/><br/>Utgivningen av deluxe-versioner av Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin ll och Led Zeppelin lll markerar starten för ett omfattande återutgivningsprojekt som inkluderar alla gruppens nio studioalbum i kronologisk ordning, samtliga remastrade av bandets gitarrist och producent, Jimmy Page. Led Zeppelin öppnar i samband med detta också sina egna arkiv för att dela med sig av dussintals tidigare ohörda studio- och liveinspelningar. Varje utgåva kommer att rymma en bonusskiva med tidigare outgivna inspelningar som har koppling till respektive originalalbum.<br/><br/>"Materialet på den medföljande skivan utgör en portal till tiden för Led Zeppelins inspelningar", säger Page. "Det är ett urval av pågående arbeten med råmixar, bakgrunder, alternativa versioner och nytt material som spelades in vid den aktuella tidpunkten".
Nytt från Led Zeppelin
The Radio Sessions
Trots ett oavbrutet turné- och inspelningsschema, tog sig Led Zeppelin tid att visa upp sina färdigheter live på brittisk radio. Under hela 1969 spelade bandet in ett antal sessioner för BBC, inklusi...
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