1. 1.  Intro: The Force Before Darkness
  2. 2.  From Chaos They Came
  3. 3.  Wings of Anu
  4. 4.  Vortex From the Celestial Flying Th
  5. 5.  A Black Aeon Shall Cleanse
  6. 6.  The Flames of Infinite Blackness Be
  7. 7.  Mystical Blood
  8. 8.  Through the Divine Spirit of Satan
  9. 9.  Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar
  10. 10.  Ower From the Center of the Cosmic
  11. 11.  A Magnificent Crypt of Stars
  12. 12.  Outro the Invocation of the Absolut
  13. 13.  Coda Hymn to the Cosmic Zenith
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